Past Events - 1996

Past ERCIM Events in 1996

sponsored by ERCIM SOFSEM '96 - XXIII. Seminar on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, Brno, Czech Republic, 23-30 November 1996

(conference report)

ERCIM event 2nd ERCIM WORKSHOP on User Interfaces for All, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-8 November 1996 (event report)

ERCIM event 10th ERCIM Database Research Group Workshop on Heterogenous Information Management, Praha, Czech Republic, 4-5 November 1996 (event report, proceedings)

ERCIM event Second DELOS Workshop, Bonn, Germany, 7-8 October 1996 (event report, papers)

sponsored by ERCIM EUROGRAPHICS '96, Poitiers, France, 26-30 August 1996 (event report)

ERCIM event 2nd ERCIM Workshop on Systems and Control, UTIA, Prague, Czech Republic, 26-27 August, 1996 (event report)

ERCIM event
ERCIM Computer Graphics Network Task 2 workshop at the ECAI-96 conference: Towards a Standard Reference Model for Intelligent Multimedia Presentation Systems, Budapest, August 12 or 13, 1996 (event report)

ERCIM event Parallel Numerical Algorithms and Applications, Zurich, Switzerland, 28 May 1996 (event report)

ERCIM event
Fifth International World Wide Web Conference, 6-11 May 1996, Paris, France

ERCIM event
NCSTRL workshop at the Fifth International World Wide Web Conference, 6-11 May 1996, Paris, France

ERCIM event
The Information Society in the Euro-Mediterranien context: Research and Information Technologies, Sophia-Antipolis, 1-2 April 1996

ERCIM event
ERCIM Advanced Course: Partial Differential Equations, Group Theory and Variational Calculus, Rocquencourt, France, 1-5 April 1996

ERCIM event
Metadata Workshop II, Warwick, UK, 1-3 April 1996 (event report)

ERCIM event
WORKSHOP on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, Oxford, UK, 19 March 1996 (event report)

ERCIM event
9th ERCIM Database Research Group Workshop on Multimedia Database Systems, Darmstadt, Germany, 18-20 March 1996

ERCIM event
DELOS Kick-Off Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, 4-6 March 1996 (event report), (Pre-Workshop Abstracts)

sponsored by ERCIM
European Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Services, Berlin, Germany, 4-6 March 1996 (event report)

ERCIM event
CSCW and the Web - An international Workshop organized by ERCIM/W4G, Sankt Augustin, Germany, 7-9 February, 1996 (event report)