Encouraging and Stimulating future RTD cooperation in the field of Information Society Technologies between Europe and Asia-Pacific region

International Cooperation, Asia, IST, workshops, mapping of local IST capabilities

The overall objective ENGAGe is to stimulate and enhance international cooperation in the field of IST between EU and South-East Asia by linking research communities and creating new partnerships, mapping and promoting opportunities for joint research and ICT business partnerships, facilitating inclusion of research teams from Asia into European FP7 IST consortia. It will be achieved by:

  • Mapping regional IST landscape and matching regional IST research capabilities with current and future EU’s IST Strategic Objectives;
  • Running a series of research networking workshops in the region addressing several application contexts of “ambient intelligence” concept;
  • Developing on-line dynamic inventory of IST groups in the region (partner search engine);
  • Improving public awareness of European ICT industry (European Industrial Events) and cooperative opportunities of FP7 (FP7 Information Days) and promoting bi-regional cooperation via various channels.


  • EURICE, European Research and Project Office GmbH (coordinator)
  • Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)
  • European Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM)
  • ALTEC S.A.
  • Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia
  • School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • College of Computer Studies, De La Salle
  • Faculty of Science and Technology, Surin Rajabhat University

24 months. To start March or April 2005

ERCIM's role:
ERCIM will be undetaking two main activities:

  • Focussing on the four key target countries (Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand), ERCIM will prepare regional IST survey (white book) aiming to present:
    • A directory of locaIST research organisations including a short profile + cataloguing of major research activities (forming the bulk of the book).
    • Overview statistics and analysis of the research activities thereby revealed
    • A introductory guide to research collaboration issues in each of the countries surveys including: contacts of major government ministries, funding bodies or research coordination organizations, and related features of legislative systems
  • ERCIM will also be responsible for the whole Dissemination and Liaison activities within the ENGAGE initiative.

Total budget:
675 000 Euro

Funding Agencies:
European Commission, FP6 IST Programme - International Cooperation