Towards integrating Virtual Reality and optimisation techniques in a new generation of Networked businesses in Warehouse Management Systems under constraints
Keywords:warehouse management systems, constraints, logistics, cooperation processes, decision making technology, virtual reality, 3D visualisation.
The Net-WMS project proposes a software solution enabling the expected new generation of networked businesses WMS. Net-WMS will handle networked communication and co-operation processes through the integration of decision-making technologies, generic 3D placement primitives, virtual reality for 3D visualisation, interactivity to design packing models and knowledge modelling. The added-value and competitiveness increase of the Net-WMS solution will be characterised by shared expertise, easy deployment and maintenance, flexibility, interoperability, better resource handling and access to remote services..
INRIA, France
CEA-LIST, France
ARMINES - Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France
SICS, Sweden
Peugeot Citroën Automobiles, France
C.R.F Società Consortile per Azioni, FIAT Group, Italy
KLS SAS, France
Mind2Biz, Turkey
Wide Scope, Portugal
from 1 September 2006 to 31 August 2009
ERCIM's role:
Project co-ordinator
4.476,497 euro, funding 2.320,000 euro.
Funding Agencies:
European Commission, STREP
EC funding: 2.320,000 euro
Net-WMS web site: