Beyond Compliance 2024

Digital Ethics in Research

Research Ethics in the Digital Age

14-15 October 2024

HUN-REN SZTAKI - HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control, Budapest, Hungary and online

Researchers in digital sciences face tough ethical questions in their daily activity for which there aren't yet consensual answers among the research community. The ERCIM forum "Beyond Compliance" aims at advancing the discussion about those issues. The target audience is composed by researchers and Research Ethics Boards. The event consists of keynotes, presentations, tutorials and interactive sessions, and provides ample time for open discussions. Different outcomes are envisioned, including some which may be directed towards policy makers.

[previous editions: 2023, 2022]


Please note that all the times are CEST (Central European Summer Time), so UTC+2


Monday 14 October

09:00-9:15 - Welcome and introduction

09:15-10:15 – Opening keynote: Julian Nida-Rümelin - Beyond Compliance: Digital Humanism, IRL - Chair: Claude Kirchner


10:15-10:45 Break


10:45-12:30 The making of regulations - Chair: Guenter Koch and Anna Ujlaki
           10:55-11:05 – Approaching the Regulatory Event Horizon: Opportunities and Challenges, Melodena Stephens, online 
           11:25-11:45 – Regulating Artificial Intelligence: A Political Theory Perspective, Anna Ujlaki, IRL
           11:45-12:05 – Giving an historical and critical overview on European attempts to regulate digitalisation, Nikolaus Forgo, online 
           12:05-12:30 – Panel discussion


12:30-14:00 LUNCH


14:00-15:30 Emerging topics - Chair: Claude Kirchner
          14:00-14:20 – Paradoxical effects of virtual reality, Anatole Lécuyer, online
          14:20-14:40 – Ethical Considerations of Social Interactions in the Metaverse, Justyna Swidrak, Michele Barbier, Mel Slater, Maria Sanchez-Vives, Maria Roussou, Eleni Toli, Ferran Argelaguet, IRL
          14:40-15:00 – Taking Conviviality Seriously, Jean-Bernard Stefani, online
          15:00-15:30 – Panel discussion


15:30 – 16:00 Break


16:00-18:00 Cultural influences - Chair: Emma Beauxis-Aussalet
          16:00-16:45 – Keynote: Milad Doueihi - Beyond Intelligence: Imaginative Computing. A Minority report. online
          16:45-17:05 – Towards a culturally responsive, psychologically realist approach to global AI ethics, Rockwell F. Clancy. online
          17:05-17:25 – Algorithmic Discrimination in Hiring: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, Marianna Capasso, online
          17:25-18:00 – Panel discussion





Tuesday 15 October

09:00-10:30 Cooperative agents - Chair: Gabriel David
         9:00-9:20 – Delegation to AI Agents, Elias Fernández Domingos, online
         9:20-9:40 – Good Robots Don’t Do That: Making and Breaking Social Norms in Human-Robot Interaction, Rebecca Stower, IRL
         9:40-10:00 – Responsible Autonomy, Michael Fisher, online
         10:00-10:30 – Panel discussion

10:30-11:00 Break

11:00-12:30 – Tutorial – Training in AI ethics: concepts, methods, exercises, problems, Alexei Grinbaum. IRL - Chair: Christos Alexakos

12:30 – 14:00 LUNCH

14:00-15:00 Unconference session - Chair: Emma Beauxis-Aussalet

15:00-15:15 Break

15:15-17:00 Democracy - Chair: Sylvain Petitjean
          15:15-15:35 – AI everywhere and anytime in the media. Will the AI Act save democracy? Natali Helberger, online
          15:35-15:55 – Norm making around data governance: proposals for red lines, Siddharth Peter de Souza, online
          15:55-16:15 – Misled by autonomy: AI and contemporary democratic challenges, Attila Gyulai, IRL
          16:15-16:35 – Do citizens trust trustworthy artificial intelligence? Examining the limitations of ethical AI measures in government, Bjorn Kleizen online
          16:35-17:00 - Panel discussion

17:00-17:30 Closing discussion - Chair: Claude Kirchner





Participation is free but registration is mandatory. Registration for on site participation closes Wednesday 9 October, for online participation Friday 11 October. Please register here.


1111 Budapest, Kende str. 13-17.
Coordinates: 47.493047, 19.058565
Google Map Link: HUN-REN SZTAKI


We look forward to your participation and hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to engage with colleagues, discuss our latest initiatives, and enjoy the rich cultural heritage of Budapest.

Proposed Hotels:

4-Star Hotels:

  1. Hotel Memories Oldtown Budapest
    Address: Bástya u. 33, 1056 Budapest, Hungary
    Website: Hotel Memories
  2. Hotel Vision Budapest by Continental Group
    Address: Belgrád rkp. 24, 1056 Budapest, Hungary
    Website: Hotel Vision
  3. Alta Moda Fashion Hotel
    Address: Váci u. 83, 1056 Budapest, Hungary
    Website: Alta Moda
  4. Estilo Fashion Hotel
    Address: Váci u. 83, 1056 Budapest, Hungary
    Website: Estilo Fashion

3-Star Hotels:

  1. ibis Budapest Centrum
    Address: Ráday u. 6, 1092 Budapest, Hungary
    Website: Ibis Centrum
  2. Hotel Gin Budapest
    Address: Bástya u. 35, 1056 Budapest, Hungary
    Website: Hotel Gin
  3. ibis Styles Budapest City
    Address: Soroksári út 12, 1095 Budapest, Hungary
    Website: Ibis Styles City
  4. B&B HOTEL Budapest City
    Address: Angyal u. 1-3, 1094 Budapest, Hungary
    Website: B&B Hotel

Budget Hotels:

  1. Meininger Hotels - Budapest Great Market Hall
    Address: Csarnok tér 2, 1093 Budapest, Hungary
    Website: Meininger Hotels


The organizing committee of the Beyond Compliance Forum is the Digital Ethics Task Group of ERCIM:

  • Christos Alexakos (ISI/ATHENA RC, Greece)
  • Emma Beauxis-Aussalet (VU, Netherlands)
  • András Benczúr (HUN-REN SZTAKI, Hungary)
  • Gabriel David (INESC TEC, Portugal)
  • Claude Kirchner (CCNE and Inria, France)
  • Rebeka Kiss (HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary) 
  • Guenter Koch (AARIT, Austria, and Humboldt Cosmos Multiversity, Spain)
  • Sylvain Petitjean (Inria, France)
  • Andreas Rauber (TU Wien, Austria)
  • Miklós Sebők (HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary)
  • Vera Sarkol (CWI, Netherlands)

Contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.