ERCIM's participation in research projects and other co-operations
ERCIM is participating in several projects as co-ordinator or associated partner. In these projects several member institutes carry out the research while ERCIM takes care of administrative tasks.
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ERCIM offers assistance in preparing Horizon Europe ICT research proposals, and in managing ICT projects by carrying out the administrative and financial coordination.
Our long expertise has been a key success factor in getting innovative ICT research proposals funded across the different European Framework Programmes. ERCIM is open to cooperation with any research institution and industry. In order for the ERCIM office to commit to the preparation of a project, the proposal must involve a minimum of one ERCIM member.
Contact:Peter Kunz (
Current projects with participation from ERCIM
Fact sheet | CORDIS | Web site
Fact sheet | CORDIS | Web site
Fact sheet | CORDIS | Web site
Current projects with participation from ERCIM and/or W3C | ||
AIOLIA - Operationalizing AI Ethics for Learning and Practice : a global approach NEW Starting 2025 HORIZON Coordination and Support Action (CSA) (fact sheet on CORDIS) |
fact sheet | web site |
GLACIATION - Advanced computing and Big Data - Green responsibLe privACy preservIng dAta operaTIONs HORIZON Research and Innovation Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) |
fact sheet | web site |
NEPHELE - Future European platforms for the Edge - A lightweight software stack and synergetic meta-orchestration framework for the next generation compute continuum HORIZON Research and Innovation Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) |
fact sheet | web site |
SMARTEDGE - Semantic Low-code Programming Tools for Edge Intelligence EU HORIZON Research and Innovation Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) |
fact sheet | web site |
Project | EU Programme | Fact Sheet | Website |
3GWEb - Web Beyond 3G | EU FP6 Specific Support Action. Led by W3C. | fact sheet | web site |
ABCDE - ERCIM Alain Bensoussan Fellowship Programme | EU FP7 COFUND project | fact sheet | web site |
ACGT - Advancing Clinico-Genomic Clinical Trials on Cancer | EU FP6 Integrated Project | fact sheet | web site |
AMI - Augmented Multi-party Interaction | EU FP6 Integrated Project | web site | |
AMIDA - Augmented Multi-party Interaction | EU FP6 Integrated Project | fact sheet | |
ANFAS - Data Fusion for Flood Analysis and Decision Support | EU FP5 | fact sheet | web site |
Aquarelle | EU FP5 | ||
AXES - Access to Audiovisual Archives | EU FP7 Collaborative Project | fact sheet | |
BEYOND-THE-HORIZON "Anticipating Future and Emerging Information Society Technologies" | EU FP6 | fact sheet | final report |
BigDataEurope - Empowering Communities with Data Technologies | EU H2020 Coordination and Support Action | fact sheet | |
BlueBridge - Building Research environments for fostering Innovation, Decision making, Governance and Education to support Blue growth | EU H2020 Research and Innovation Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | |
BOOST 4.0 - Big Data Value Spaces for COmpetitiveness of European COnnected Smart FacTories 4.0 | EU H2020 Innovation Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | web site |
CIRPASS - Collaborative Initiative for a Standards-based Digital Product Passport for Stakeholders-Specific Sharing of Product Data for a Circular Economy | EU DIGITAL Coordination and Support Action | fact sheet | web site |
COMPOSE - Collaborative Open Market to Place Objects at your Service | EU FP7 Collaborative Project | fact sheet | |
COPRAS - Cooperation Platform for Research and Standards | EU FP6 Support Action | web site | |
CoreGRID - European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies | EU FP6 Network of Excellence | fact sheet | web site |
Create-IoT - Cross Fertilisation through alignement, synchronisation and exchanges for IoT | EU H2020 Coordination and Support Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | web site |
CROSSOVER - Bridging Communities for Next Generation Policy-Making | EU FP7 Coordination and Support Action | fact sheet | |
Crucid - Information Technologies for water resources management and modelling in semi-arid areas | EU FP5 INCO DC | fact sheet | |
CYCLADES - An Open Collaborative Virtual Archive Service Environment | EU FP6 | fact sheet | |
C-Web - Supporting Community-Webs | EU FP5 | fact sheet | |
D4Science - Distributed Collaboratories Infrastructure on Grid Enabled Technology for Science | EU FP7 Combination Coordination and Support Action and Collaborative Project | fact sheet | web site |
D4Science II - Data infrastructure ecosystem for science | EU FP7 Combination Coordination and Support Action and Collaborative Project | fact sheet | web site |
DataMarketServices - Supporting the European data market providing free support services to data-centric SMEs and start-ups | EU H2020 Coordination and Support Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | web site |
DECAIR - Development of an earth observation data converter with application to air quality forecasting | EU FP5 | fact sheet | |
D-CENT - Decentralised Citizens ENgagement Technologies | EU H2020 | fact sheet | web site |
Digital World - DigitalWorld Forum on Accessible and Inclusive ICT | EU FP7 Coordination and Support Action. Led by W3C. | fact sheet | web site |
DELOS I | EU FP5 | ||
DELOS (II) - Digital Libraries Thematic Network | EU FP5 | fact sheet | |
DELOS Network of Excellence for Digital Libraries | EU FP6 Network of Excellence | fact sheet | |
DILIGENT - A DIgital Library Infrastructure on Grid ENabled Technology | EU FP6 Integrated Project | fact sheet | web site |
Discipl - Debugging Systems for Constraint Programming | EU FP4 | fact sheet | |
eAccess+ the eAccessibility Network | EU FP7 thematic network | fact sheet | |
Easy Reading - A Framework for Personalised Cognitive Accessibility when using Original Digital Content | EU H2020 Research and Innovation Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | web site |
EchoGRID - European and Chinese cooperation on Grid | EU FP6 Specific Support Action | fact sheet | web site |
ENGAGE - Encouraging and Stimulating future RTD cooperation in the field of Information Society Technologies between Europe and Asia-Pacific region | EU FP6 Specfic Support Action | fact sheet | |
Esimeau - Information Technologies for water resources management and modelling in semi-arid areas | EU FP4 | fact sheet | |
EU-LAT - Binding EU-Latin American IST Research initiatives for enhancing future co-operation | EU FP5 | ||
EU-NSF Strategic Workshops | EU FP5 IST-FET | fact sheet | web site |
Euro-India - Euro-India ICT Co-operation Initiative | EU FP7 Support Action | fact sheet | |
Euro-India Spirit - Supporting and facilitating international ICT cooperation and joint research activities, connecting European and Indian ICT stakeholders and boosting the impact of EU-India ICT Policy Dialogue. | EU FP7 Support Action | fact sheet | |
fet11 -The Future and Emerging Technologies Conference and Exhibition 2011 | EU FP7 Coordination and Support Action | fact sheet | web site |
GATEKEEPER - Smart Living Homes - Whole Interventions Demonstrators for People at Health and Social Risks | EU H2020 Innovation Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | web site |
Geo-Recap - Re-creation and building of capacities in Georgian ICT Research Institutes | EU FP7 INCO Support Action | fact sheet | |
Global ITV - Interoperability of Interactive and Hybrid TV systems – A new advanced scheme for future services and applications in a global environment | EU FP7 Small and medium-scale focused research project (STREP) | fact sheet | |
Grid@Asia - Advanced Grid Research Workshops through European and Asian Cooperation | EU FP6 Specfic Support Action | fact sheet | web site |
GridCOMP - Grids Programming with Components: an advanced Component Platform for an effective invisible Grid | EU FP6 Specific Targeted Research Project | fact sheet | web site |
HTML5APPS - HTML5 for Apps: Closing the Gaps | EU FP7 Coordination and support actions | fact sheet | |
HRADIO - Hybrid Radio everywhere for everyone | EU H2020 Innovation Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | |
iMarine - Data e-Infrastructure Initiative for Fisheries Management and Conservation of Marine Living Resources | EU FP7 Cooperation Project and Coordination and Support Action | fact sheet | |
InterLink - International Cooperation Activities in Future And Emerging ICTs | EU FP6 Coordination Action | fact sheet | |
LIDER - Linked Data as an enabler of cross-media and multilingual content analytics for enterprises across Europe | EU FP7 Coordination and Support Action | fact sheet | |
MediaScape - Dynamic Media Service Creation, Adaptation and Publishing on Every Device | EU FP7 Collaborative project | fact sheet | |
MobiWeb2.0 - Mobile Web 2.0. | EU FP7 Coordination and Support Action. Led by W3C. | fact sheet | web site |
MobiWebApp - Mobile Web Applications for Future Internet Service | EU FP7 Coordination and Support Action. Led by W3C | fact sheet | web site |
MODTRAIN - Innovative Modular Vehicle Concepts for an Integrated European Railway System | EU FP6 Integrated Project | fact sheet | |
MOSAICrOWN - Multi-Owner data Sharing for Analytics and Integration respecting Confidentiality and OWNer control | EU H2020 Research and Innovation Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | web site |
MtoM3D - Made-to-measure garments, 2D/3D approach | EU FP5 INCO DC | fact sheet | web site |
Multilingual Web - Advancing the Multilingual Web | EU FP7 thematic network | fact sheet | |
MUSCLE - Multimedia Understanding through Semantics, Computation and Learning | EU FP6 Network of Excellence | fact sheet | web site |
Net-WMS - Networked Businesses in Warehouse Management Systems | EU FP6 Specific Targeted Research Project | fact sheet | web site |
OMWeb - Open Media Web | EU FP7 Coordination and Support Action | fact sheet | web site |
PALETTE - Pedagogically Sustained Adaptive Learning through the Exploitation of Tacit and Explicit Knowledge | EU FP6 Integrated Project | fact sheet | web site |
PaaSage - Model-based Cloud Platform Upperware | EU FP7 Collaborative project | fact sheet | web site |
PRIME - Privacy and Identity Management | EU FP6 Integrated Project | fact sheet | |
PrimeLife - Privacy and Identity Management in Europe for Life | EU FP7 Collaborative Project. W3C participating as partner. | fact sheet | web site |
Privacy OS - European Privacy Open Space | EU FP7 thematic network funded by the ICT Policy Support Programme | fact sheet | |
Race Network RFID - Raising Awareness and Competitiveness on RFID in Europe | EU FP7 Thematic Network | fact sheet | |
RESET - Roadmap on European research for Smartcard Technologies - Thematic Network | EU FP6 | fact sheet | web site |
SCHOLNET - A Digital Library Testbed to Support Networked Scholarly Communities | EU FP5 | fact sheet | |
SDN-MicroSENSE - microgrid reSilient Electrical eNergy SystEm | EU H2020 Innovation Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | web site |
SERENOA - Multidimensional context aware adaptation of Service Front-ends | EU FP7 Collaborative Project | fact sheet | |
Share PSI 2.0 - Shared Standards for Open Data and Public Sector Information | EU FP7 ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) project, led by W3C (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | web site |
SIMES - Multimedia Information System for the Environment in the sub-Saharan Region | EU FP4 | fact sheet | web site |
SmartOpenData - Linked Open Data for environment protection in Smart Regions | EU FP7 Collaborative project | fact sheet | |
SPECIAL - Scalable Policy-awarE linked data arChitecture for prIvacy, trAnsparency and compLiance | EU H2020 Research and Innovation Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | web site |
STREWS - Strategic Research Roadmap for European Web Security | EU FP7 Coordination and support action. Led by W3C | fact sheet | web site |
TELEMAC - TELEMonitoring and Advanced teleControl of high yield wastewater treatment plants | EU FP5 | fact sheet | |
TERMINET - nexT gEneRation sMart INterconnectEd ioT | EU H2020 Research and Innovation Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | web site |
THETIS - A Data Management and Data Visualization System for Supporting Coastal Zone Management for the Mediterranean Sea | EU FP5 | fact sheet | |
TRAPEZE - TRAnsparency, Privacy and security for European citiZEn | EU H2020 Research and Innovation Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | web site |
VITALAS - Video and Image Indexing and Retrieval in the Large Scale | EU FP6 Integrated Project | fact sheet | web site |
VOICES - Voice-based Community-centric mobile services for social development | EU FP7 Specific International Cooperation Action. Led by W3C | fact sheet | |
VPH - Virtual Physiological Human | EU FP7 Network of Excellence | fact sheet | |
VRE4EIC - A Europe-wide Interoperable Virtual Research Environment to Empower Multidisciplinary Research Communities and Accelerate Innovation and Collaboration | EU H2020 Research and Innovation Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | web site |
WADI - Water Supply Watershed Planning and Management: an Integrated Approach | EU FP5 INCO MED | fact sheet | |
WAI-ACT - A Cooperation Framework for Guidance on Advanced Technologies, Evaluation Methodologies, and Research Agenda Setting to Support eAccessibility | EU FP7 Specific Support Action. Led by W3C | fact sheet | web site |
WAI-AGE - Web Accessibility Initiative: Ageing Education and Harmonisation | EU FP6 Specific Support Action. Led by W3C | fact sheet | web site |
WAI-DEV - Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Ecosystem for Inclusive Design and Development | EU FP7 Specific Support Action. Led by W3C (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | web site |
WAI-TIES - Web Accessibility Initiative: Training, Implementation, Education, Support | EU FP6 IST Accompanying Measure | web site | |
WAI-CooP - Web Accessibility Initiative – Communities of Practice. | EU H2020 Coordination Support Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | web site |
WAI-GUIDE - Authoritative Implementation Guidance and International Cooperation to Support Training, Awareness Raising and Capacity Building. | EU H2020 Coordination Support Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | web site |
WAI-Tools - Advanced Decision Support Tools for Scalable Web Accessibility Assessments | EU H2020 Innovation Action (fact sheet on CORDIS) | fact sheet | web site |
WEBINOS - Secure WebOS Application Delivery Environment | EU FP7 Collaborative Project | fact sheet | |
WS2 - Web Services and Semantics | EU FP6 Specific Support Action | web site |
Completed studies | ||
EU-China High Performance Computing and Networking Initiative | report (April 1999) | |
EU-Latin America programme | fact sheet | |
Evaluation of the Tunisian research in information technology | final report (March 1997) | |
Internet in the Mediterranean Region | final report in pdf (1996) | |
Identification of centres of excellence in High Performance Computing in southern Mediterranean countries |