ERCIM evolves - evolve with ERCIM

ERCIM evolves - evolve with ERCIM Download the flyer in pdf

For over twenty years, ERCIM has been a consortium of leading research institutions committed to cooperating for excellence in research. Focusing on information and communication science and technology (ICST) and related areas of mathematics, ERCIM has a successful track record of promoting ICST research and cooperation in Europe and beyond. ERCIM is now dropping its limitation of one member per country, allowing a small number of excellent research institutions in ICST per country to directly become members of ERCIM.

ERCIM is the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics. Founded in 1989, ERCIM was structured as an EEIG (European Economic Interest Grouping) with members and associate members limited to one per country. The members are leading research institutions in ICST from nineteen European countries, each acting as a national representative. ERCIM aims to foster collaboration within the European ICST research community and to increase cooperation with industry. As a European-wide network of centers of excellence in ICST, ERCIM is internationally recognized as a major representative organization in its field, providing access to all major ICST research groups in Europe. It has established an extensive program of working groups, publications, fellowships and prizes.

What is new at ERCIM?
After having successfully grown to become the most recognized ICST Society in Europe, acting as a hub to national ICST research via a national representative member, ERCIM has opened membership to allow multiple members per country. Following requests during the last years, it will now be possible for a small number of excellent research institutions in ICST per country to become members of ERCIM and participate in ERCIM activities directly rather than via a national intermediary.

ERCIM has thus formed two bodies:

  • ERCIM AISBL, an association under Belgian law, carrying over all research, networking, and support activities of ERCIM.
  • ERCIM EEIG, the European Economic Interest Grouping, which carries on the current EEIG activities of ERCIM concerning being the host of the European Office of the W3C.

ERCIM has an excellent track record of successful initiatives to promote ICST research and cooperation in Europe and beyond. These include:

  • Working Groups, on topics ranging from computing and statistics to software evolution, preparing the way for top level research in new domains.
  • The Alain Bensoussan Fellowship Program, which is hosted by the ERCIM members and has attracted some 250 PhD fellows since its inception.
  • The 5000 Euro Cor Baayen Award, presented each year to a promising young researcher in computer science and applied mathematics.
  • ERCIM News, a quarterly magazine with a circulation of 9000 copies, as well as free on-line access, providing a forum for the exchange of information between the institutes and also with the wider scientific community.
  • Cooperation with professional bodies, specifically with the European Mathematical Society (EMS), the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), and the European Science Foundation (ESF).
  • Strategic advice for European and non-European bodies, realised through studies, strategic workshops and leadership of or participation in expert groups.
  • Research project management support: ERCIM has successfully applied for and managed numerous leading research projects in the range of European Framework Programs.

How to become an ERCIM Member?
Prospective members must be outstanding research institutions within their country. Membership applications will be reviewed by an internal board and include an on-site visit. Membership is renewable as long as the criteria for excellence in research and active participation in the ERCIM community, cooperating for excellence, are met.