Media Corner

ERCIM got several mentions in the press these last few months. A selection of published articles, press releases and advertisements is listed below.

Date Media Topic
December 2007 Web Time Medias network Deux géants européens se donnent la main pour l'innovation (in French)
November 2007 SophiaNet ETSI et ERCIM vont travailler main dans la main (in French)
Ocotober 2007 AlphaGalileo ERCIM and "Beyond-The-Horizon" - A winning pool of expertise
September 2007 AlphaGalileo DECOS/ERCIM Workshop 2007 on Dependable Embedded Systems
September 2007 AlphaGalileo 2nd International Workshop on Building Technology Enhanced Learning solutions for Communities of Practice
September 2007 AlphaGalileo ERCIM offers PhD fellowships in leading European research centres
August 2007 AlphaGalileo CoreGRID Symposium in Rennes
August 2007 CORDIS CoreGRID Summer School in Budapest
August 2007 CORDIS MUSCLE to demonstrate its showcase at IBC2007
July 2007 SophiaNet L'ERCIM, porte d'entrée de la recherche européenne en informatique (in French)
May 2007 European Commission, Research Information Centre Poland connects with Europe-wide ICT research consortium
March 2007 La Tribune "Un CeBIT plus médical que jamais" (in French)
  eStrategies Europe ERCIM: The front door to European informatics research
article, cover, editorial
February 2007 Nice Matin Article about ERCIM (in French)
January 2007 Cordis DELOS Conference on Digital Libraries
  Alpha Galileo DELOS Conference on Digital Libraries
  Logistiques Magazine Publicity article about the Net-WMS project (in French)
December 2006 Le Monde Informatique "La grille de calcul en test mondial" ("Grids at Work" conference co-organized by ERCIM)
  Cordis Grids@Work
  Radio Cote d'Azur Interviews realised by a local radio station during the Grids@Work conference, an event co-organized by the ERCIM-administrated CoreGRID project (all in French)
November 2006 "Googeling Himself" (Cor Baayen Award)
  Cordis Grid@Asia in Seoul - European and Korean collaboration on grids led by ERCIM
October 2006 Cordis Cor Baayen Award
  Alpha Galileo Cor Baayen Award
  Cordis Grids@Work conference
  Alpha Galileo Grids@Work conference
August 2006 Cordis ERCIM/DECOS Workshop on "Dependable Embedded Systems"
  Cordis W3C Workshop on Privacy Policy and Enforcement TELEMAC - Remote control and monitoring wastewater treatment - Remote control and monitoring wastewater treatment
  Cordis 1st joint Summer School organised by two Networks of Excellence: DELOS and MUSCLE
July 2006 La Repubblica Article on DELOS
March 2006 Le Monde Informatique Article on ACGT