ERCIM News No. 59, October 2004 - Contents
Grids: A Crucial Technology for Science and Industry
by Fabio Colasanti, Director-General, European Commission, Directorate-General for "Information Society" |
CoreGRID Kick-off Meeting
by Thierry Priol, INRIA, France |
8th ERCIM Workshop "User Interfaces for All"
by Constantine Stephanidis |
DELOS Information Day
by Costantino Thanos, ISTI-CNR, Italy |
The EU Information Society Technologies Programme Advisory Group - ISTAG
by Michael Wilson |
Euro-Legal |
Tim Berners-Lee Knighted by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II |
Celebrating W3C's Tenth Anniversary |
COPRAS European Project Kick-off Meeting |
W3C Spanish Office to promote W3C Standards in Tour of Spain |
Multimodal Web Workshop and Seminars |
Four W3C Workshops this Fall |
Latest W3C Recommendations |
Semantic Web Standardization in Europe: SWAD-Europe
by Dan Brickley, Libby Miller and Kate Sharp |
SPECIAL THEME: Grids - The Next Generation |
Introduction - Grids: The Next Generation
by Keith Jeffery, CCLRC, UK and Peter Kacsuk, SZTAKI, Hungary |
Next Generation Grids : The Work of the European Commission Expert Group
by Keith Jeffery, CCLRC, UK |
Grid Infrastructure: |
GridPP: A UK Computing Grid for Particle Physics
by Sarah Pearce, University of London, UK |
The CERN openlab for DataGrid Applications
by Andreas Unterkircher, Sverre Jarp and Andreas Hirstius, CERN, Switzerland |
Fraunhofer Grid Alliance From Grid-Based e-Science to Industrial Applications
by Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Anette Weisbecker, Jürgen Falkner, Thilo Ernst, Uwe Der, Andreas Hoheisel, Klaus-Peter Eckert and Wolfgang Ziegler, Fraunhofer ICT Group, Germany |
The Production-Level Hungarian ClusterGrid Initiative by Péter Stefán, Office for National Information and Infrastructure Development (NIIF/HUNGARNET), Hungary |
Effective Aggregation of Idle Computing Resources for Cluster Computing
by Bruno Richard and Philippe Augerat, Icatis Grenoble, France |
The European Learning Grid Infrastructure Integrated Project
by Pierluigi Ritrovato and Matteo Gaeta, Centro di Ricerca in Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Università di Salerno, Italy |
DILIGENT: A Digital Library Infrastructure on Grid Enabled Technology
by Donatella Castelli, ISTI-CNR |
Grid Architecture: |
The Cost of Quality for Cycle-Harvesting Grids
by Chris Kenyon, IBM Research, Zurich Research Lab., Switzerland |
JGrid: A Jini Technology-Based Service Grid
by Zoltan Juhasz, University of Veszprem, and Gergely Sipos, SZTAKI, Hungary |
The GRASP Project: Innovative Middleware for Next Generation Grid-Based Application Service Providers
by Theo Dimitrakos |
Akogrimo - The Grid goes Mobile
by Stefan Wesner, High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, Germany; Theo Dimitrakos and Keith Jeffrey, CCLRC, UK |
Grid Middleware: |
A Component-Based Software Infrastructure for Grid Computing
by Christian Pérez, INRIA, France |
Data Access and Integration
by Malcolm Atkinson, National e-Science Centre, UK |
Building a Multi-Domain Grid
by Freek Dijkstra, Universiteit van Amsterdam and David Groep, NIKHEF, The Netherlands |
Resource Management in an Optical Grid Testbed
by Helmut Grund and Wolfgang Ziegler, Institute for Scientific Computing and Algorithms SCAI, Fraunhofer ICT Group, Germany |
Grid Resource Management using Software Agents
by Isaac Chao, Ramon Sangüesa and Oscar Oardaiz, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain |
Multi-Agent Systems for Efficient Quality of Service Routing in Grids
by Eric Ayienga, Okello-Odongo, University of Nairobi; Bernard Manderick, and Ann Nowe,Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Grid Programming: |
Enabling High-Level Access to Grid Computing Services
by José Miguel Alonso, Vicente Hernández, Germán Moltó, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia/SpaRCIM, Spain |
Trusted Grid Workflows: Assigning Reputation to Grid Service Providers
by Omer F. Rana, Cardiff University, Wales, UK; Julian Padget, University of Bath, Luc Moreau, University of Southampton, UK |
A High-Level Grid Application Environment to Grid-Enable Legacy Code
by Péter Kacsuk, Zoltán Farkas, Tamás Boczkó , SZTAKI, Hungary; Tamás Kiss, Ariel Goyeneche, Thierry Delaitre, University of Westminster, UK
JOpera: Visual Composition of Grid Services
by Cesare Pautasso ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Grid Applications: |
Grid-enabled Weka: A Toolkit for Machine Learning on the Grid
by Rinat Khoussainov, Xin Zuo and Nicholas Kushmerick, University College Dublin, Ireland |
The eMinerals Minigrid: An Infrastructure to Support Molecular Simulation Scientists
by Martin Dove, University of Cambridge, UK |
Virtual Vascular Surgery on the Grid
by Peter Sloot and Alfons Hoekstra, University of Amsterdam |
Photorealistic Visualisation with Grid-Based Technology
by Mika Pennanen and Markus Ylikerälä, VTT Information Technology, Finland |
Solving Optimization Problems with Grid-Enabled Technologies
by Enrique Alba and Antonio J. Nebro, University of Málaga/SpaRCIM, Spain |
Bioinformatics in the Semantic Grid
by Kai Kumpf and Martin Hofmann, Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing (SCAI), Fraunhofer ICT Group, Germany |
New Projects: |
CoreGRID: European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for Large-Scale, Distributed Grid and Peer-to-Peer Technologies
by Thierry Priol, INRIA, France |
GridCoord - Co-ordinating Europe-wide Initiatives in Grid Research
by Marco Vanneschi , Pisa University, Italy |
TrustCoM - A Trust and Contract Management Framework enabling Secure Collaborations in Dynamic Virtual Organisations
by Theo Dimitrakos, Michael Wilson CCKRC, UK, and Santi Ristol , ATOS Origin, Spain
Grid.it - Next Generation Grid Platforms and their Applications
by Domenico Laforenza, ISTI-CNR and Marco Vanneschi, Pisa University, Italy |
Grammar Enables Effective Multimedia Search Queries
by Fedde van der Lijn, CWI and Menzo Windhouwer, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
From Textual Use Cases to Behaviour Specifications
by Vladimir Mencl, Charles University/CRCIM, Czech Republic |
GHT*: A Peer-to-Peer System for Metric Data
by Michal Batko and Pavel Zezula, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic; Claudio Gennaro, ISTI-CNR, Italy |
CWI's FACS Cluster - Facilitating the Advancement of Computational Science
by Stefan Blom, Sander Bohte and Niels Nes, CWI, The Netherlands |
SynDEx: System-Level CAD Software for Optimizing Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems
by Yves Sorel, INRIA, France |
Large-Scale Simulations of Diffusion in Cell Biology
by Ivo F. Sbalzarini, Anna Mezzacasa, Ari Helenius and Petros Koumoutsakos, ETH Zurich/SARIT, Switzerland |
Real-Time MIMO Testbed for Next Generation Wireless LANs
by Andreas Burg and Helmut Bölcskei |
Reports: |
16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
by Vicent J. Botti, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia/SpaRCIM, Spain
Cross-Language Evaluation Forum - CLEF 2004
by Carol Peters, ISTI-CNR, Italy |
For conference announcements, see:
Calendar of Events and Conferences related to IT and Applied Mathematics |
Book Review
The Portable Internet |
SpaRCIM - The First Spanish Conference on Informatics (CEDI 2005) is to take place between 13-16 September, 2005
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CWI - CWI has started a new line of research on fundamental and practice-oriented cryptology
FNR - The National Research Fund of Luxembourg launched the second call of its multiannual research programme 'Security and efficiency of new practices in e-commerce for all socio-economic actors'
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ISTI-CNR - Paolo Cignoni is the first recipient of the Eurographics 'Young Researcher' award
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INRIA - Gilles Kahn, Chairman of INRIA and INRIA's representative on ERCIM's board of directors was appointed member at the French National Strategic Advisory Board on Information Technologies
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