ISTI-CNR - Paolo Cignoni is the first recipient of the Eurographics 'Young Researcher' award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the development and use of advanced multiresolution techniques in computer graphics and scientific visualization.
The scope of Cignoni's interests ranges from scientific visualization to LOD techniques. He has published more than 60 research papers in international refereed journals and conferences, including six papers at Eurographics, and three papers at Siggraph'04. In addition, his work has found important applications in 3D scanning and cultural heritage.
Among his more recent results there is a novel approach to variable resolution rendering based on a 'GPU-friendly' data structure that is one or two orders of magnitude faster than previous solutions and has been proposed for the efficient rendering of planet-sized digital terrains and huge 3D models.
Paolo Cignoni is one of the founding members of the Visual Computing Lab at ISTI-CNR and a lecturer at the Computer Science Dept. of the University of Pisa.