CoreGRID Kick-off Meeting
by Thierry Priol
The CoreGRID Network of Excellence, in the area of Grid and Peer-to-Peer technology had its first meeting at CETIC, Charleroi (Belgium), on 1314 September, 2004.
The kick-off meeting of the CoreGRID Network of Excellence (see also article in this issue), which looks at large-scale, distributed Grid and Peer-to-Peer Technology, was recently held at CETIC in Charleroi (Belgium). Almost all the 42 CoreGRID partners were represented by 73 participants. Thanks to the CETIC team, this first meeting ran smoothly.
The first day commenced with a welcome from the Director of CETIC, Pierre Guisset, who along with his team had the responsibility of organizing this meeting. Franco Accordino, project officer at the European Commission in charge of CoreGRID, gave the welcome address, describing the EC vision of how to boost excellence in European Grid research through sustainable integration and cooperation, thanks to the Network of Excellence instrument within FP6. He highlighted the importance in the development of Grid technology of CoreGRID within the EC strategy. Following this, representatives of each partner introduced themselves to the general audience and gave a brief overview of their partners involvement with the joint program of activity. The morning session ended with a general presentation of CoreGRID by the scientific coordinator, Thierry Priol, and a set of presentations of the six scientific areas covered by the network, given by their respective scientific leaders: Domenico Talia (Knowledge and Data Manage-ment), Marco Danelutto (Programming Model), Artur Andrzejak (System Architecture), Ludek Matyska (Grid Information and Monitoring), Ramin Yahyapour (Scheduling) and Vladimir Getov (PSE, Tools and GRID systems).
From left to right: Pierre Guisset (CETIC), Bruno Le Dantec (ERCIM), Franco Accordino (EC) and Thierry Priol (INRIA/ERCIM). © CETIC; Photo: Alexis Taminiaux . |
The afternoon session was devoted to a presentation on management issues by Bruno Le Dantec, which covered in detail various aspects of the administrative procedures related to the network: budget, reporting, evaluation, fellowship and mobility programs. This session concluded with a set of meetings of the bodies that govern the network: the General Assembly meeting, chaired by Domenico Laforenza, the Executive Committee meeting, chaired by Thierry Priol, and the Integration Monitoring Committee meeting. For the latter meeting, a call was issued for candidates to chair this committee, and a vote was taken soon after the conclusion of the meeting. Ron Perrott, from Belfast University, was elected as the chairman of the IMC. The first day concluded with a dinner, allowing participants to pursue their discussions over Belgian cuisine.
The second day consisted of a set of parallel sessions, each dedicated to one of the six scientific areas. The purpose of these sessions was to establish a more precise set of expected scientific results, a work-plan and task descriptions, and to review the deliverables and milestones. Each partner involved in these scientific areas gave a short description of its role, and the scientific leader of each area proposed an agenda for the next six months. Dissemination actions were also discussed. A summary of the parallel sessions was reported in a plenary session that afternoon to inform all participants of the future activities related to the six scientific areas. The afternoon concluded with presentations on the activities related to integration (given by Sergei Gorlatch), spreading excellence (Anne Falier) and collaboration with other EU-funded grid projects (Wolfgang Ziegler).
Please contact:
Bruno Le Dantec, ERCIM
Administrative & Financial Coordinator
Tel: +33 4 92 38 50 13
E-mail: Bruno.Le_Dantec ercim.org
Thierry Priol, INRIA, France
Scientific Coordinator
Tel: +33 2 99 84 72 10
E-mail: Thierry.Priol inria.fr