CERN - World's Largest Computing Grid Surpasses 100 Sites. The Large Hadron Collider Computing Grid (LCG) project (see article in ERCIM News 59, page 18) announced that the computing Grid it is operating now includes more than 100 sites in 31 countries. This makes it the world's largest international scientific Grid. This Grid is being established in order to deal with the anticipated huge computing needs of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), currently being built at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland. The sites participating in the LCG project are primarily universities and research laboratories. They contribute more than 10,000 central processor units (CPUs) and a total of nearly 10 million Gigabytes of storage capacity on disk and tape. This Grid receives substantial support from the EU-funded project Enabling Grids for
E-science (EGEE), which is a major contributor to the operations of the LCG project.