ERCIM News No. 60, January 2005 - Contents
Biomedical Informatics: The Opportunity and Challenge for Multidisciplinary Research
by Rosalie Zobel, Director of Directorate C: Miniaturisation, Embedded Systems, Societal Applications, Information Society Directorate-General, European Commission |
Keith Jeffery appointed new ERCIM President ERCIM Needs Closer Cooperation |
Christof Teuscher Winner of the Cor Baayen Award 2004 |
ERCIM Working Group on Software Evolution
by Tom Mens, Institut d'Informatique, Université de Mons-Hainaut/FNRS/FWO |
Beyond the Horizon - A New European Action coordinated by ERCIM
by Grigoris Antoniou, ICS-FORTH
Strategic IST-FET/NSF Workshop 'Engineering Software-Intensive Systems'
ERCIM assesses the Future of ICT |
W3C10 Program Looked Back, Looked Forward |
Future Web Work at W3C |
W3C Workshop on Semantic Web for Life Sciences |
Consensus among Mobile and Web Technology Leaders at W3C Mobile Web Initiative Workshop |
W3C Adds FAQ and Tutorial |
Latest W3C Recommendations |
SPECIAL THEME: Biomedical Informatics |
Introduction: |
Biomedical Informatics in Support of Individualized Medicine
by Stelios Orphanoudakis, Dimitris Kafetzopoulos and Manolis Tsiknakis, FORTH
ERCIM Working Group on Biomedical Informatics
by Manolis Tsiknakis and Dimitris Kafetzopoulos, FORTH |
European and National R&D Projects: |
INFOBIOMED: A Joint European Effort to Support the Establishment of Biomedical Informatics
by Carlos Díaz, NFOBIOMED Project Manager, IMIM, Spain |
The BIOPATTERN Network of Excellence
by Emmanuel Ifeachor, Jo Thompson-Byrne and Michalis Zervakis
The INFOGENMED Project: A Biomedical Informatics Approach to Integrate Heterogeneous Biological and Clinical Information
by Ankica Babic, Victor Maojo, Fernando Martín-Sanchez, Miguel Santos and Antonio Sousa
SemanticMining - A Network of Excellence in the Field of Biomedical Informatics
by Hans Åhlfeldt |
Major New Biotech Initiative to Strengthen Sweden's Uppsala Region
by Rhiannon Sanders
Integration and Analysis of Biomedical Data: |
CLEF: Joining up Healthcare and Biomedical Research
by Aniko Zagon, Adel Taweel and Alan Rector
myGrid: Middleware for In Silico Experiments in Biology
by Carole Goble
Towards an Integrative and Context-Sensitive Approach to In Silico Disease Modelling
by Matej Oresic, Peddinti V. Gopalacharyulu, Erno Lindfors, Catherine Bounsaythip, Ilkka Karanta, Mikko Hiirsalmi, Lauri Seitsonen and Paula Silvonen
The Prognochip Project: Transcripromics and Biomedical Informatics for the Classification and Prognosis of Breast Cancer
by Dimitris Kafetzopoulos
Processing Multimedia Biomedical Information for Disease Evolution Monitoring
by Sara Colantonio, Maria Grazia Di Bono, Gabriele Pieri and Ovidio Salvetti
Privacy Concerns in Biomedical Informatics
by Brecht Claerhout |
Data Mining and Visualization of Biomedical Data: |
GenoLink: Discovering Drug Target Proteins by Exploring Networks of Heterogeneous Biological Data
by Patrick Durand, Laurent Labarre, Alain Meil and Jérôme Wojcik
Mining Genomic Data with Metaheuristic Techniques
by Carlos Cotta and Pablo Moscato
Mining Distributed and Heterogeneous Clinical Data Sources
by George Potamias
Validation of Clustering Techniques for Microarray Gene Eexpression Data
by Nadia Bolshakova and Pádraig Cunningham
Network Visualization in Biomedical Informatics
by Alkiviadis Symeonidis and Ioannis G. Tollis
Dispensation Order Generation for Pyrosequencing
by Mats Carlsson |
Exploring Genomes with the Self-Organizing Map
by Shaun Mahony and Aaron Golden |
Combating Illiteracy in Chemistry: Towards Computer-Based Chemical Structure Reconstruction
by Marc Zimmermann, Le Thuy Bui Thi and Martin Hofmann
Simulation and Modelling of Biomedical Processes: |
Integrative Biology - Exploiting e-Science to Combat Fatal Diseases
by Damian Mac Randal, David Gavaghan, David Boyd, Sharon Lloyd, Andrew Simpson and Lakshmi Sastry |
Bioinformatics in the Fast Lane
by Finn Drabløs and Ståle Fjeldstad |
In Silico Virtual Experiments
by Wanda Andreoni |
Modelling a Living Cell - Mathematics to Model Metabolic Pathways
by Joke Blom and Annette Kik |
Integrative Biology at CCLRC
by Daniel Hanlon, Lakshmi Sastry and Kerstin Kleese van Dam |
Applying Complex Models on Genomic Data
by Patrick Durand, Dominique Lavenier, Michel Leborgne, Anne Siegel, Philippe Veber and Jacques Nicolas |
BAIT: Bacteria - Antibiotic Interaction Tool
by Grainne Kerr |
Agent-Based Modelling applied to HIV/AIDS
by Ashley Callaghan
Regulatory Compliance of Pharmaceutical Supply Chains
by Eleni Pratsini and Doug Dean |
Biomedical Image and Signal Analysis: |
Definition and Evaluation of MRI-Based Measures for the Neuroradiological Investigation of Creutzfeld-Jakob Diseases
by Marius George Linguraru and Nicholas Ayache |
Biomedical Imaging for Enhanced Genetic Data Analysis
by Thanasis Margaritis, Kostas Marias, Manolis Tsiknakis and Dimitris Kafetzopoulos
Virtual Tissue Matrix: A Pathologist Aid in Tissue Microarray Analysis
by Catherine M. Conway, Graham Dodrill, Darragh Lawler and Daniel G. O'Shea
Spatio-Temporal Analysis in 4D Video-Microscopy
by Charles Kervrann, Jérôme Boulanger and Patrick Bouthemy |
Improved Quantification of the Heart by Utilizing Images from Different Imaging Directions
by Jyrki Lötjönen, Juha Koikkalainen and Kirsi Lauerma |
Analogic CNN Computing Fosters Detecting Stroke Signs
by Tamás Szabó and Péter Szolgay
Computer at the Microscope: Visualization and Analysis of Three-Dimensional Microscopy Data
by Wim de Leeuw |
Time Profiles Rreveal the Structure of Sleep Stages in the Neonatal EEG
by Vladimír Krajca, Svojmil Petránek, Karel Paul and Milos Matousek |
Data Mining in Children's Hypnograms
by András Lukács and László Lukács |
The Quest for Novel Computational Paradigms and Machines
by Christof Teuscher
A Light-Weight and Scalable Network Profiling System
by Andreas Kind, Paul Hurley and Jeroen Massar |
Health Care Monitoring of Mobile Patients
by Giuseppe Amato, Stefano Chessa, Fabrizio Conforti, Alberto Macerata and Carlo Marchesi |
Pervasive Patient Monitoring - Take Two at Bedtime
by Dirk Husemann and Michael Nidd |
Development of a Real-Time 2D and 3D Echocardiographic Diagnostic System
by Dániel Hillier, Zsolt Czeilinger, András Vobornik, Zsolt Szálka, Gergely Soós, László Kék, Viktor Binzberger, David Lopez Vilarino and Csaba Rekeczky |
The Advantages of Reused Software Components
by Nancy Bazilchuk and Parastoo Mohagheghi |
POAC: Optical Computer for Large Data Sets
by Ahmed Ayoub, László Orzó and Szabolcs Tökés
CASCOM - Context-Aware Health-Care Service Co-ordination in Mobile Computing Environments
by César Cáceres, Alberto Fernández, and Sascha Ossowski |
Virtual Reconstruction of an Egyptian Beaker
by Marco Callieri and Flora Silvano
The GeometryFactory and CGAL - The Computational Geometry Algorithm Library
by Andreas Fabri |
SUGGEST: An Online Recommender System for Large Web Sites
by Ranieri Baraglia and Fabrizio Silvestri |
Ambulant Player: A Universal Multimedia Player
by Annette Kik and Dick Bulterman |
Report: |
FMICS 2004 - Ninth International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems
by Juan Bicarregui, Andrew Butterfield and Alvao Arenas
For conference announcements, see:
Calendar of Events and Conferences related to IT and Applied Mathematics |
CWI - Lex Schrijver wins Lanchester Prize
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Fraunhofer ICT Group - Ina Schieferdecker has been awarded the Alfried Krupp Prize
NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology students win regional programming contest
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CWI - Ronald Cramer joins Dutch Young Academy of Arts and Sciences
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VTT Information Technology - Jussi Tuovinen has been appointed research director for VTT Information Technology
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CWI - SpaRCIM - Software Engineering and Production Technologies Society founded
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