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previous issue:
Number 56
January 2004:
Special theme:
Analysis, Planning, Diagnosis and Simulation of Industrial Systems
all previous issues
Next issue:
July 2004
Next Special theme:
Automated Software Engineering
About ERCIM News

Italian Institute of Technology - Vittorio Grilli, currently General Accountant of Italy, is to be the Commissioner of the newly founded Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), to be located in Genoa. IIT has been established by the Italian Ministries of Education, Universities and Research and of Economy and Finances and aims at becoming an international centre of excellence for scientific research in advanced technology, attracting contributions from researchers and experts from the world of research and promoting technological development and training in high technology. Within the broader spectrum of research in Italy, IIT will be a centre of innovation, adding variety and richness to the panorama of research as well as promoting open effective channels of communication with both industry and other research institutions. For more information, see |
