ERCIM News No. 56, January 2004 - Contents
by Stelios Orphanoudakis, ERCIM President |
Tribute to Gerard van Oortmerssen
by Stelios Orphanoudakis, ERCIM President |
Ronald de Wolf - Winner of the 2003 Cor Baayen Award
Possibilities and Limitations of Quantum Computing |
IM2IM A New ERCIM Working Group on Informatics and Mathematics
by Marc Thiriet, INRIA |
News from W3C |
SPECIAL THEME: Industrial Diagnosis, Planning and Simulation |
Industrial Diagnosis, Planning and Simulation - Introduction
by Per Kreuger, SICS |
Efficient Algorithms for Inverse Magnetic Field Problems
by Domenico Lahaye, CWI |
Deviation Detection of Industrial Processes
by Anders Holst, Jan Ekman and Daniel Gillblad, SICS
Bidding Agents Acquire Cargo in Online Auctions
by Pieter Jan 't Hoen |
Decision Support System for Process Analysis and Supervision
by Galia Weidl, Suttgart University
Mathematical Challenges in the Electronics Industry
by Wil Schilders, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contpack - Maximising the Volume Utilisation of Containers
by Onno Garms, Ralf Heckmann and Stefan Rank, Fraunhofer SCAI |
First Commercial Bayesian Software for Intelligent Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
by Claus Skaanning, Dezide, Denmark |
Innovating Shoe Manufacturing using Advanced Simulation Techniques
by Emanuele Carpanzano and Andrea Cataldo, ITIA-CNR |
Billy Goat Detects Worms and Viruses
by James Riordan and Diego Zamboni, IBM Zurich Research Lab/SARIT |
Decision Support for Personnel and Resources Management in Multi-Project Environments
by Antonia Bertolino, Eda Marchetti and Raffaela Mirandola, ISTI-CNR |
Towards Useful Tools for Estimating Railway Infrastructure Capacity
by Jan Ekman, SICS |
Efficient Utilisation of Resources in the Railway Industry by Levelling Departures and Arrivals of Trains
by Martin Aronsson, SICS |
Real-Time Optimisation of Empty Rail Freight Car Distribution
by Martin Joborn, Carmen Consulting, Sweden |
KUORMA: A Collection of APS-Algorithms for Forest Industry Wood Transport
by Juha Savola, Hannu Rummukainen and Olli Jokinen, VTT |
Parc Bandwidth on Demand
by Helmut Simonis, Parc Technologies Ltd, UK |
DesParO - A Design Parameter Optimisation Toolbox using an Iterative Kriging Algorithm
by Christof Bäuerle, Clemens-August Thole and Ulrich Trottenberg, Fraunhofer SCAI |
On-line Testing of the Reactor Protection System in the Paks Nuclear Power Plant
by István Varga, Tamás Bartha and Alexandros Soumelidis, SZTAKI |
Process Systems: Theory and Applications from Different Aspects
by Katalin Hangos and Gábor Szederkényi, SZTAKI |
Multi-Agent System Technology in a Port Container Terminal Automation
by Vicent J. Botti, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia/SpaRCIM |
Contribution to Fault Detection and Diagnosis: Mixture-based Modelling
by Tatiana V.Guy, Dani Juricic, Miroslav Kárny and Andrej Rakar, Institute Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciencesof the Czech Republic /CRCIM |
Data Mining Applied in Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment
by Simon Lambert, CCLRC |
Integrated Multivariate Statistical Process Control and Condition Monitoring for Fed-batch Fermentation Processes
by Hongwei Zhang, Northeast Wales Institute of Higher Education, UK |
Saving Energy
by Claude Lemaréchal, INRIA |
Solving Complex Problems with Advanced Techniques
by Enrique Alba, University of Malaga/SpaRCIM |
Nipper - the Neat Internet Protocol Packet Editor
by Sami Pönkänen and Marko Lyijynen, VTT |
On Describing B2B Processes with Semantic Web Technologies
by Santtu Toivonen, Tapio Pitkäranta, VTT and Jung Ung Min, Stanford University, USA |
Tracking Assets and Vulnerabilities in Corporate Networks
by Dieter Gantenbein, IBM Zurich Research Lab/SARIT |
Numerical Simulation through Web Services
by Stephan Springstubbe, Jürgen Klein and Ottmar Krämer-Fuhrmann, Fraunhofer SCAI |
Advanced Communication Networks
by Michel Mandjes, CWI |
Information Security Research at NTNU
by Stig F. Mjølsnes and Ingvild Ytrehus, NTNU |
Supervised Term Weighting for Automated Text Categorization
by Franca Debole and Fabrizio Sebastiani, ISTI-CNR |
Remote Monitoring of Health Conditions
by Dirk Husemann, IBM Zurich Research Lab/SARIT |
Reports: |
FM 2003 - 12th International Symposium on Formal Methods
by Stefania Gnesi, ISTI-CNR |
ERCIM Workshop on Soft Computing 2003
by Petr Hájek, Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic/CRCIM |
SC 2003 - Industrial Simulation Conference
by Ana Pajares, Juan C. Guerri and Carlos Palau, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia/SpaRCIM |
For conference announcements, see: |
Calendar of Events and Conferences related to IT and Applied Mathematics |
Book review: "The Birth of Broadband" |
INRIA - Michel Cosnard became the new president of INRIA
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Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft - A Sino-German Mobile-Communications-Institute, located at the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut in Berlin was established in December 2003
INRIA - Texas Instruments has established a JavaTM competence center in Rennes, France in December 2003"
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NTNU - The Norwegian University of Science and Technology will spend 40 million NOK (5 million Euro) to enhance the research and studies in language technology
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