Big Data Value Spaces for COmpetitiveness of European COnnected Smart FacTories 4.0

BOOST 4.0 “Big Data Value Spaces for Competitiveness of European Connected Smart Factories 4.0” will demonstrate, in a realistic, measurable, and replicable way an open, certifiable and highly standardised and transformative shared data-driven Factory 4.0 model through 10 lighthouse factories. BOOST 4.0 will also demonstrate how European industry can build unique strategies and competitive advantages(significantly increase operational efficiency, E2E manufacturing planning and deliver improved smart product customer experience, and foster new digital business models; e.g. outcome-based and product servitisation) through big data across all phases of product and process life cycle (engineering, planning, operation, production and after-market services)building uponthe BOOST 4.0 connected smart Factory 4.0 model to meet the Industry 4.0 challenges (lot size one distributed manufacturing, operation of zero defect processes & products, zero break down sustainable operations, agile customer-driven manufacturing value network management and human centred manufacturing).
ERCIM/W3C leads the open standards and software connector certification activities.Moreover, ERCIM/W3C also take care of legal & regulatory data aspects.
BOOST 4.0 is a EU H2020 Innovation Action (IA)

ERCIM's role: project partner

Duration: 36 months from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2020

Total budget: € 18 843 440
EU funding: € 14 983 516

ASOCIACION DE EMPRESAS TECNOLOGICAS INNOVALIA (ES, coordinator) and 49 partners from industry and academia.  

Web site:

Fact sheet (Cordis):