Interaction Design in Digital Libraries :
Some critical issues

Constantine Stephanidis

Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH)

Institute of Computer Science (ICS)

Science and Technology Park of Crete

Heraklion, Crete



(From slide presentation)

HCI and Digital Libraries

Main issues



Characteristics of DLs


® new range of computer-mediated human activities






HCI challenges in the context of DLs


Meeting the challenges


Recent contributions from ICS-FORTH (AT&HCI Lab)


Common themes (from the ECDL ’98 Proceedings)


A perspective



Phases (1/3)

Phases (2/3)


Phases (3/3)

Our focus


Possible questions

1. Is "usability" (as approached today) enough ?

2. What about quality (functional & non-functional attributes) ?

3. Do existing UCD techniques cope with design pluralism ?

4. Do existing UCD techniques offer process-oriented support ?

e.g. unfolding, capturing and maintaining design rationale

5. What is the role of software architectures ?

6. Does evaluation ever lead to innovative designs or does it simply help identify design defects ?

7. How can one evaluate some of the non-functional quality attributes which are critical to DLs ?