ERCIM Workshop Proceedings - No. 96/W003
10th ERCIM Database Research Group Workshop
on Heterogeneous Information Management
Prague, November 4-5, 1996
Programme Committee:
- Chair: Jaroslav Pokorny, Department of Software Engineering,
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
- P. Asirelli, IEI-CNR, Pisa
- K.G.Jeffery, CLRC Rutheford Appleton Lab, Dixon, GB
- F. Saltor, Universita Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
- J. Stuller, Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Science of the
Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic
- Managing Heterogeneity in Inter-Operating Medical Information Systems
[ps.gz] + figure [ps.gz]
M. Dixon, J.Kohoutkova, S.Cook, K.Jeffery, B.Read
- Query Translation for Heterogenous Information Management [ps.gz]
F. Jouanot, C. Nicolle, N. Cullot
- A Multiple View Definition System for Supporting Interoperability
among Heterogenous and Autonomous Databases [ps.gz]
R.M.Duwairi, N.J.Fiddian, W.A.Gray
- A Negotiation Process Approach for Building Federated Databases
M. Oliva, F.Saltor
- An Approach to Supporting Semantic Integrity of Federated Databases
C. Türker
- An Approach for Integration of File Based Systems into Database
Federations [ps.gz]
M. Höding
- Retrieving Information in Distributed Multimedia Databases [ps.gz]
Ch. Baumgarten, U. Marder, G. Robbert, K. Meyer-Wegener
- Using Metadata to Enhance Multimedia Query Semantics [ps.gz]
P. Merialdo, G.Sindoni
- Federating Legacy Databases about People - in practice [ps.gz]
- Failure Handling in Transactional Workflows Utilizing CORBA 2.0
O. Bukhres, C.J.Crawley
- List of Participants
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would be appreciated by the authors.