W3C launches Chinese Office

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) announces the launch of its Mainland Chinese Office on 27 April 2006. The Office is based at the Advanced Computing Technologies, School of Computer Science & Engineering of Beihang University in Beijing, China. An opening ceremony will mark the start of two days of presentations and panels (27-28 April 2006 at the Ruxin Conference Center of Beihang University in Beijing).

Presentations will be done by the representatives of the Chinese industry and academia, as well as members of the W3C Staff. The latest will present current W3C work related to the Mobile Web Initiative, the Internationalization, Rich Web Client Activity, Semantic Web, and Voice Browser Activities..

Beihang University is a respected university in China with more than 50 years history. It has actively and intensively developed its international academic exchange and collaboration programs. The School of Computer Science and Engineering of Beihang University, hosting the W3C Chinese Office, ranks among the top computer science schools in China with more than 130 full-time faculty members.

W3C Chinese Office: http://www.chinaw3c.org/
Opening Ceremony Programme: http://www.chinaw3c.org/schedule.en.htm
Beihang University: http://act.buaa.edu.cn/english/Default_En.asp