CWI - TT-Medal Project wins ITEA Achievement Award 2005

The Board of ITEA - Information Technology for European Advancement - selected the TT-Medal project as the winner of the ITEA 2005 Achievement Award. This was announced at the 6th ITEA Symposium in Helsinki, Finland, 13-14 October 2005. Within TT-Medal (Test & Testing Methodologies for Advanced Languages) researchers developed a generic standardised solution for software system testing. With the results, European industry can achieve a reduction in test development and test execution time and, at the same time, improve the product quality.

Michael Schmidt, Jens Herrman (DaimlerChrysler), Erik Altena (LogicaCMG), Natalia Ioustinova (SEN2, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica), Colin Willcock (Project Manager of TT-Medal, Nokia) at the 6th ITEA Symposium, Helsinki, Finland, 13-14 October, 2005.

TT-Medal developed methodologies and tools based on the TTCN-3 testing language from the European Telecom-munication Standards Institute and introduced them into the European industry. Eleven participants took part in TT-Medal, including three ERCIM members: SEN2 research group of CWI, Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS and VTT. The results provide an opportunity for European test tool suppliers and consultants to position themselves better in a world market that has been dominated by the USA.