'Web Foundations 2005' Highlights Web Design for All
International experts on accessibility, usability and Web Standards will meet in Spain for the first time at the Web Foundations 2005 Conference, to be held 22-24 November in Gijón, Oviedo, Spain. This conference is the first major event supported by the regional government's 'e-Asturias 2007 Plan', as a strategy for the Information Society development. Organized by the Fundación CTIC and the W3C Spanish Office, this event, open to the public, focuses on conditions to ensure universal access to information regardless of hardware, software, network infrastructure, language, culture, and user capabilities.
The speakers - Shawn Henry (W3C), Jakob Nielsen (NNGroup), Steven Pemberton (W3C), Inmaculada Placencia (European Commission), John Slatin (University of Texas), and Jeffrey Zeldman (Happy Cog) - will discuss 'Design for All' as an essential requirement for equitable Internet access. Steven Pemberton also gives an XForms and XHTML tutorial on 24 November in Oviedo.
Web Foundations 2005: http://www.fundamentosweb.org/