PHISE05 - First Workshop on Philosophical Foundations of Information Systems Engineering
by Cesar J. Acuña and Belen Vela
Esperanza Marcos from Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain, and Roel Wieringa from the University of Twente, The Netherlands, have successfully organized the 1st International Workshop of Philosophical Foundations on Information Systems Engineering (PHISE05), held in conjunction with the 17th CAISE in Porto, Portugal.
Empirical and formal sciences are older than engineering sciences and, for this reason, they have their own branch of philosophy, the philosophy of science. Engineering sciences have not fully developed a philosophical branch working towards conceptual clarity. The PHISE workshop tries to cover different aspects related to philosophical foundations of the research in information system engineering and aims to promote an interdisciplinary forum as a result of the confluence of three disciplines: philosophy of science and technology, software engineering and information systems. From the 21 submissions, twelve papers were accepted as regular papers and six as short papers. The selected papers were structured in four sessions:
- foundations of information systems engineering
- research methods in information systems engineering
- models and ontologies in information systems engineering
- miscellany.
In addition Dr. Heinz K. Klein from the Department of Management Information Systems (MIS) of the Temple University of Philadelphia, USA, present the invited lecture: Methodological Differences between the Cultural and Natural Sciences.
Please contact:
Esperanza Marcos, SpaRCIM, Spain
E-mail: esperanza.marcos