New W3C Activities
W3C Math Activity Relaunched
The Math Interest Group is chartered to continue the task of facilitating the use of mathematics on the Web, both for science and technology and for education. This involves:
- maintenance of the recent version 2.0 (Second Edition) of the MathML specification (W3C Recommendation, 21 October 2003)
- encouragement of its wider deployment
- preparation of errata as appropriate
- continued liaison with other Working Groups within the W3C to ensure that the potential of MathML is realized
- relations with other organizations.
The W3C Math Activity is designed to strengthen the position of MathML and enhance the manipulation of mathematics on the Web. The use of MathML in Web documents is encouraged by the W3C and should significantly contribute to the usefulness of the Web for science, technology and education.
Synchronized Multimedia Activity Relaunched
The Synchronized Multimedia (SYMM) Activity is composed of the Synchronized Multimedia Working Group and the Timed Text Working Group.
The SYMM Working Group will extend the SMIL 2.0 W3C Recommendation which enables simple authoring of interactive audiovisual presentations. This implies:
- revision of the current SMIL 2.0 Recommendation to incorporate known SMIL 2.0 errata
- SMIL 2.1 for mobile devices incorporating features currently in use within the mobile industry, where SMIL is used as the basis of the MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service).
- an enhanced future version of SMIL, addressing extended functionalities for professional multimedia content authoring.
The Timed Text Working Group is developing XML vocabulary and document types for subtitles and captions.
ERCIM is the European host of W3C