ERCIM News No. 58, July 2004 - Contents
ERCIM's 15th Anniversary Celebration |
A New ERCIM Working Group on Rapid Integration of Software Engineering Techniques
by Nicolas Guelfi and RISE's Working Group members |
News from W3C
Workshop Report:
IST-FET Workshop for Preparing for FP7 - 'New Directions for ICTs in FP7:
Grand Challenges for Basic Research' |
INTAS Calls 2004 |
Euro-Legal |
SPECIAL THEME: Automated Software Engineering |
by Paul Grünbacher, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria and Yves Ledru, IMAG Institut d'Informatique et de Mathematiques Appliqués de Grenoble, France |
Invited articles: |
Ontology-Based Software Development Techniques
by Motoshi Saeki, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan |
TAPAS - Trusted and Quality-of-Service Aware Provision of Application Services
by Wolfgang Emmerich, University College London, UK, Santosh Shrivastava, University of Newcastle, UK, Fabio Panzieri, University of Bologna, Italy, Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge, UK and Werner Beckmann, Adesso AG, Germany |
Towards Increased Verification Automation for High Integrity Software Engineering
by Andrew Ireland, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK |
Requirements: |
An Automatic Tool for Improving the Quality of Software Requirements
by Giuseppe Lami and Gianluca Trentanni, ISTI-CNR, Italy |
Efficient: A Framework for Animating and Validating e-Business Transactions
by Bertrand Grégoire, Christophe Incoul, Sophie Ramel, Michael Schmitt, Laurent Gautheron, Pierre Brimont and Eric Dubois, CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg |
Discovering Requirements with Scenarios: The ART-SCENE Solution
by Neil Maiden, City University, London, UK |
Program Understanding and Architecture: |
Automated Support for Agile Software Reuse
by Mel Ó Cinnéide, Nicholas Kushmerick and Tony Veale, University College Dublin, Ireland |
CHARMY: A Framework for Designing and Validating Architectural Specifications
by Mauro Caporuscio, Paola Inverardi, Henry Muccini and Patrizio Pelliccione, University of LAquila, Italy |
Moose - A Language-Independent Re-engineering Environment
by Oscar Nierstrasz and Stéphane Ducasse, University of Bern/SARIT, Switzerland |
Testing: |
MaC: A Testability Analysis Tool for Reactive Real-Time Systems
by Huy Vu Do, Michel Delaunay and Chantal Robach, nstitut National Polytechnique Grenoble, France |
Automated Software Testing with Metaheuristic Techniques
by Eugenia Díaz, Raquel Blanco and Javier Tuya, University of Oviedo, Spain |
GATeL: Automatic Test Generation from Lustre Descriptions
by Benjamin Blanc, Commisariat à l'Energie Atomique, France |
Cow_Suite: A UML-Based Tool for Test-Suite Planning and Derivation
by Francesca Basanieri, Antonia Bertolino, Gaetano Lombardi, Giovanni Nucera, Eda Marchetti and Alberto Ribolini, ISTI-CNR, Italy |
Three Countries' Offensive towards Testing with Advanced Languages
by Wan Fokkink, Jaco van de Pol, CWI, The Netherlands, Matti Kärki, Markus Sihvonen, VTT Electronics, Finland, Axel Rennoch and Ina Schieferdecker, Fraunhofer ICT Group |
Verification: |
Automated Verification of Groupware Protocols
by Maurice ter Beek, Mieke Massink, Diego Latella, Stefania Gnesi, Alessandro Forghieri and Maurizio Sebastianis, ISTI-CNR, Italy |
Parallel Model-Checking
by Lubos Brim, Masaryk University Brno/CRCIM, Czech Republic |
Aspects and Language Technology: |
Aspect-Oriented Software Evolution
by Tom Mens, Kim Mens, Université de Mons-Hainaut, Belgium and Tom Tourwé, CWI, The Netherlands |
Generic Language Technology: Basics for Automated Software Engineering
by Mark van den Brand, CWI, The Netherlands |
Identifying Cross-Cutting Concerns in Embedded C Code
by Magiel Bruntink, Arie van Deursen and Tom Tourwé, CWI, The Netherlands |
PROSE: Automated Software Adaptation for Pervasive Computing
by Gustavo Alonso, ETH Zürich/SARIT, Switzerland |
Configuration Management and Deployment: |
Deliver: A Fresh Look at Software Release and Deployment
by Gerco Ballintijn, Remy Jansen and Tijs van der Storm, CWI, The Netherlands |
Libresource : An Open-Source Versatile Collaborative Distributed Environment
by Pascal Molli and François Charoy, LORIA, Lorraine Laboratory for Research into Information Technology and its Applications, France |
MECASP - An Environment for Software Maintenance and Adaptation
by Elaine Isnard, Prologue Software, France, Enrique Perez, Virtual Desk SL, Madrid, Spain and Alexandra Galatescu, National Institute for R&D in Informatics, Romania |
Models: |
MTL and Umlaut NG: Engine and Framework for Model Transformation
by Didier Vojtisek and Jean-Marc Jézéquel, IRISA-INRIA, France |
AriadneTool: Automating the Development of Hypermedia and Web Applications
by Paloma Díaz, Susana Montero and Ignacio Aedo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid/SpaRCIM, Spain |
The SE2C Experience on Automating the Design, Transformation and Verification of Models
by Paris Avgeriou, Nicolas Guelfi and Paul Sterges, University of Luxembourg |
Model Driven Development of Pervasive Systems
by Javier Muñoz, Vicente Pelechano and Joan Fons, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia/ SpaRCIM, Spain |
Image Analysis on the Archimedes Palimpsest
by Anna Tonazzini, Luigi Bedini and Emanuele Salerno, ISTI-CNR, Italy |
Managing Medical Images
by César J. Acuña, Esperanza Marcos, Valeria de Castro and J. A. Hernández,
Rey Juan Carlos University/SpaRCIM, Spain |
NICHE: Natural Interaction in Computerised Home Environments
by Francesco Furfari, Claudia Soria, Vito Pirrelli, Oreste Signore and Rolando Bianchi Bandinelli, ISTI-CNR, Italy |
Towards Self-Managing Systems
by Joakim Eriksson, Niclas Finne and Sverker Janson, SICS, Sweden |
From Regression Testing to Regression Benchmarking
by Petr Tuma, Charles University/CRCIM, Czech Republic |
Agile Engineering of B2B Automation Systems
by Kuldar Taveter, VTT Information Technology, Finland |
Automated User Interface Software Engineering with a Pattern Reflecting Programming Language
by Anthony Savidis and Constantine Stephanidis,
ICS-FORTH, Greece |
Towards a Library of Problem-Solving Methods on the Internet
by Alvaro Arenas and Brian Matthews, CCLRC, UK |
Cork Constraint Computation Centre applies Artificial Intelligence to Constraint Programming
by Eugene C. Freuder, University College Cork, Ireland |
Image Annotation with Presence-Vector Classifiers
by Bertrand Le Saux and Giuseppe Amato, ISTI-CNR, Italy |
A Project-Oriented Decision Support System for Production Planning in Make-to-Order Manufacturing
by Tamás Kis, Gábor Erdös, András Márkus, József Váncza, SZTAKI, Hungary |
Next-Generation Metropolitan Area Networks
by Kari Seppänen, Sami Lallukka and Riikka Lemminkäinen, VTT Information Technology, Finland |
KOPI - An Online Plagiarism Search and Information Portal
by Máté Pataki, SZTAKI, Hungary |
Assessing Quality of Service on the Internet
by Peder J. Emstad, NTNU, Norway |
CWI and INRIA join Forces on Safety-Critical Systems
by Wan Fokkink, Jaco van de Pol, CWI, The Netherlands and Hubert Garavel, INRIA, France |
Discrete Tomography with an Eye towards Practice
by Joost Batenburg and Herman te Riele, CWI, The Netherlands |
Reports: |
12th ERCIM Environmental Modelling Group Workshop: Current Trends and Developments
by Nikolaos A. Kampanis, IACM-FORTH, Greece |
Second OpenECG Workshop
by Catherine Chronaki, ICS-FORTH, Greece |
InfoSam2020 - Planning for the Future Information Society
by Arne Solvberg and Tore R. Jørgensen, NTNU, Norway |
For conference announcements, see: |
Calendar of Events and Conferences related to IT and Applied Mathematics |
INRIA - Gilles Kahn was appointed Chairman of INRIA's Board of Directors
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SARIT - Daniel Thalmann is the new president of the Swiss Association for Research in Information Technology
CWI - Ute Ebert has won the Minerva Prize 2004
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