ERCIM News No. 50, July 2002 - Contents
by Rolf Jeltsch, President European Mathematical Society |
5O issues ERCIM News by Peter Kunz, ERCIM office |
Towards a Strategic Cooperation with the European Science Foundation by Jean-Eric Pin |
Euro-Legal Dangers of Deep Linking by Heather Weaver |
Introduction to the Special Theme: ERCIMathematics
by Tom Koornwinder Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics,
University of Amsterdam (temporarily also CWI), The Netherlands. |
Nonlinear Modelling of Internet Packet Traffic
by David K. Arrowsmith, Mathematics Research Centre, School of Mathematical Sciences,
Queen Mary, University of London, UK |
Mathematics on the Web with MathML by Max Froumentin, W3C |
Internet Protocol Table Look-up as a Geometric Problem by Marco Pellegrini, IIT-CNR |
On Large Random Graphs of the Internet Type by Hannu Reittu and Ilkka Norros, VTT |
MUMPS: A Multifrontal Massively Parallel Solver
by Patrick Amestoy, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France; Iain Duff, CLRC;
Jacko Koster, Parallab, Bergen, Norway; and Jean-Yves LExcellent, INRIA |
Simulation of Underground Water Pollution by Mario Arioli, CLRC |
Parallel Direct Solvers for Large Sparse Linear Systems by Iain Duff and Jennifer A. Scott, CLRC |
Spurious Solutions in Finite Element Simulation of Electromagnetic Cavity Resonators
by Paolo Fernandes and Mirco Raffetto, IMATI-CNR |
Scalable Solvers for Sparse Linear Systems by Klaus Stüben, Fraunhofer SCAI |
A new Algorithm for Discrete Tomography
by Rob Tijdeman, University of Leiden, The Netherlands and Herman te Riele, CWI |
Computational Topology Techniques for Shape Modelling
by Silvia Biasotti, Bianca Falcidieno, Michela Mortara, Giuseppe Patané
and Michela Spagnuolo, IMATI-CNR |
Marked Point Processes in Image Analysis by Xavier Descombes and Josiane Zerubia, INRIA |
Iterative Methods in Image Reconstruction by Paola Favati, Grazia Lotti and Ornella Menchi, IIT-CNR |
Shape Geometry and Aesthetics by Franca Giannini and Marina Monti, IMATI-CNR |
Angry * (-1) = Surprised! by Aldo Paradiso, Fraunhofer IPSI |
Experimental Mathematics and Integer Relations
by Jonathan M. Borwein, Simon Fraser University, Canada |
Algebra and Computation at SZTAKI by András Benczúr, Gábor Ivanyos and Lajos Rónya |
Renaissance of MacMahons Partition Analysis: Symbolic Summation at RISC-Linz
by Peter Paule, RISC-Linz, Austria |
ALIAS, a System Solving Library Based on Interval Analysis by Jean-Pierre Merlet, INRIA |
Theorema: A System for Computer-Supported Formal Mathematics
by Bruno Buchberger, RISC-Linz, Austria |
A Colourful Theory on Graphs by Zsolt Tuza, SZTAKI |
Quantitative Domain Theory by Michel Schellekens, National University of Ireland, Cork |
Finding Dependencies in Industrial Process Data by Daniel Gillblad and Anders Holst, SICS |
Interaction of Stochastic Systems and Financial Mathematics by László Gerencsér, SZTAKI |
Algebraic Convergence of Pulled Fronts by Ute Ebert, CWI |
Random Indexing of Linguistic Units for Vector-Based Semantic Analysis
by Magnus Sahlgren, SICS |
Extending Thematic Lexical Resources by Term Categorization
by Alberto Lavelli, Bernardo Magnini, and Fabrizio Sebastiani, IEI-CNR |
An End-to-End Software Suite for 3D Scanning
by Marco Callieri, Paolo Cignoni and Paolo Pingi, IEI-CNR |
Exploring the Frontiers of Computability
by Jiri Wiedermann, CRCIM and Jan van Leeuwen, Utrecht University, The Netherlands |
Towards the Design of Functional Materials and Drugs from Scratch
by Wanda Andreoni and Alessandro Curioni, IBM Zurich Research Lab, Switzerland |
Flower Framework for Local Wireless Services
by Tero Hakkarainen, Ali Lattunen and Vespe Savikko, VTT |
A Simple Model for Spark Branching by Ute Ebert, CWI |
Dyade - A Successful Cooperation between Bull and INRIA by Patrick Valduriez, INRIA |
Digital Library Competence Center by Maria Bruna Baldacci and Stefania Biagioni, IEI-CNR |
Reports |
EU/NSF Digital Library All Projects Workshop by Costantino Thanos, IEI-CNR |
Fourth DELOS Workshop on Evaluation of Digital Libraries: Testbeds, Measurements and Metrics
by László Kovács, SZTAKI |
For conference announcements, see: |
Calendar of Events and Conferences related to IT and Applied Mathematics |
CLRC - Five New Projects in Business and Information Technology |
CWI - The 2002 Brouwer Memorial Medal was awarded to Michael Aizenman of Princeton University |
SZTAKI, Fraunhofer - Virtual Institute for Production and Business Management |
NTNU has recently obtained 13 Marie Curie Training Sites |
CWI - Two CWI researchers have received honorary doctorates |