CLRC Professor John Wood succeeded Gordon Walker as CCLRCs Chief Executive. He took up his post on 1 April 2001 and his appointment is for four years. John Wood was appointed Pro-fessor of Materials Engin-eering and Head of Department at the University of Nottingham in 1989 and subsequently became Dean of Engineering in 1998. He is Chairman of the Office of Science and Technologys Foresight Panel on Materials, having been appointed in 1997. Professor Wood has held a number of directorships and consultancies with industry and has acted as an adviser on materials issues to governments. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and has been awarded both the Grunfeld and Ivor Jenkins Prizes of the Institute of Materials. Professor Wood received the Citizen of Honour of Cluj-Napaca in Romania for his help in restructuring materials engineering education in Romania.
INRIA Claude Castelluccia, reseach fellow at INRIA is the winner of the 2001 Communication & Systems Award. Intended to reward young researchers who bring significant innovations to important applications, the CS 2001 scientific price was awarded to Claude Castelluccia for his work on mobility in the future Internet protocol IPV6. Detailed information at
INRIA Olivier Faugeras is recipient of the 2001 World technology Award in the category Information Technology - Software. The Award recognises the programmes and capabilities of which information technology hardware makes use. It includes traditional software applications using innovative or enhanced techniques, as well as more comprehensive subjects such as virtual reality or artificial intelligence.