- Programming Language Technologies by Neil D. Jones
- Bandera: Tools for Automated Reasoning about Software System Behaviour by Matthew Dwyer, John Hatcliff, and David Schmidt
- ETI: An Online Service for Tool Co-ordination by Bernhard Steffen, Tiziana Margaria, and Volker Braun
- AnnoDomini: From Type Theory to a Year 2000 Conversion Tool by Peter Harry Eidorff, Fritz Henglein, Christian Mossin, Henning
Niss, Morten Heine Sørensen and Mads Tofte
- Software Renovation by Arie van Deursen
- Symbolic Techniques for Program Analysis by Henk Nieland
- Security Verification: a Programming Language Approach by Thomas Jensen
- Deductive Proof of Software Properties by Patrizia Asirelli and Franco Mazzanti
- Certification of Imperative Programs in the System Coq by Jean-Christophe Filliâtre
- Generating Program Generators by Arne J. Glenstrup, Henning Makholm and Jens Peter Secher
- PROGGEN - a Tool for Automatic Code Generation by Therese Nilsen
- MAP: a Tool for Program Derivation based on Transformation Rules
and Strategies by Alberto Pettorossi, Maurizio Proietti, and Sophie Renault
- Vanilla: Towards more Modular Programming Languages by Simon Dobson
- Dynamic Translator Development: Modelica in the Python TRAP by Thilo Ernst
- New Language on the Block: Java for High-Performance Computing? by Mike Ashworth
- A Formal Semantics and an Interactive Environment for Java by Isabelle Attali
- Formal Underpinnings of Object Technology by Juan Bicarregui
- The JoCaml System: a Language for Programming on the Internet by Sylvain Conchon, Fabrice Le Fessant and Luc Maranget
- Modelling Mobile Applications by Stefania Gnesi and Laura Semini
- The Mozart Platform for Distributed Application Development by Seif Haridi, Christian Schulte and Peter Van Roy
- Objective Caml - a General Purpose High-level Programming Language by Xavier Leroy, Didier Rémy and Pierre Weis
- GRADE - Graphical Environment for Parallel Programming by Péter Kacsuk and Sándor Forrai
- Programming with Rewrite Rules and Strategies by Hélène Kirchner
- Using Co-ordination to Parallelize Existing Sequential Programs by Farhad Arbab, Kees Everaars and Barry Koren
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