ERCIM News 34 also available in pdf
- Front Page by Dennis Tsichritzis
- ERCIM Executive Committee 1995 - 1998 by Christos Nikolaou and Constantine Stephanidis
- ERCIM Meetings at GMD by Siegfried Münch and Eckart Bierdümpel
- New ERCIM Working Group Fluid Mechanics established by Ullrich Becker-Lemgau
- Third ERCIM Environmental Modelling Group Workshop by Thomas Lux
- First ERCIM Health and Information Technology Workshop by Vesa Pakarinen
- Third ERCIM FMICS International Workshop by Diego Latella
- ERCIM Working Group on Programming Language Technologies by Neil Jones
- Eleventh ERCIM Database Research Group Workshop: Metadata for Web Databases by Brian J Read
- Environmental Modelling and Simulation Research by Achim Sydow
- Data Management in Climate Research by Kerstin Kleese
- Performance Prediction Studies and Adaptive Refinements for Local Area Weather Models by Kläre Cassirer, Reinhold Hess, Wolfgang Joppich and Hermann Mierendorff
- A Data Management and Visualization System for Coastal Zone Management of the Mediterranean by Catherine Houstis
- A High Resolution Integrated Forecast System for the Mediterranean Sea by Andrea Bargagli, Roberto Iacono, Sergio Nicastro, Paolo Michele Ruti and Franco Valentinotti
- Environmental Modelling at IACM-FORTH: Aiming at the Future by Nikolaos Kampanis
- Implementing a High Resolution Numerical Model of the Strait of Gibraltar by Gianmaria Sannino, Roberto Conversano and Vincenzo Artale
- Water Quality Modelling in the Channel Network of Venice by Lucia Zampato, Georg Umgiesser, Martina Bocci and Giovanni Coffaro
- Numerical Algorithms for Air and Surface Water Quality Modelling by Jan Verwer
- Modelling of the Environmental Impact of Main Airborne Pollutants Producers by Frantisek Hrdlicka and Pavel Slavík
- Dynamic Models for Smog Analysis by Achim Sydow, Thomas Lux, Peter Mieth, Matthias Schmidt and Steffen Unger
- Development of an Integrated Environmental Monitoring and Simulation System by Peter Mieth, Matthias L. Jugel, Steffen Unger and Bertram Walter
- Air Quality Modelling for the Madrid Region by Roberto San José
- Computing the Radiative Balance in Mountainous Areas: Modelling, Simulation and Visualization by Jean-Luc Borel, Yves Durand, François Sillion and Christophe Le Gal
- Environmental Risk Management by Steffen Unger, Irene Gerharz, Matthias L. Jugel, Peter Mieth and Susanne Wottrich
- Integrated Traffic and Air Quality Simulation by Matthias Schmidt, Birgit Kwella, Heiko Lehmann, Christian Motschke and Ralf-Peter Schäfer
- Land Use and Wind Estimation as Inputs for Air Pollution Modelling by Dominique Bereziat, Jean-Paul Berroir, Sonia Bouzidi, Isabelle Herlin and Hussein Yahia
- Data Mining applied to Air Pollution by Brian J Read
- Operational Air Pollution Modelling by Tiziano Tirabassi
- Sustainable Development and Integrated Assessment by Achim Sydow, Helge Rosé and Waltraud Rufeger
- The Modelling and Control of Living Resources by Jean-Luc Gouzé
- ECHO and NARSYS - An Acoustic Modeler and Sound Renderer by Nicolas Tsingos and Jean-Dominique Gascuel
- STOY - An Information System for Environmental Noise-Planning by Ole Martin Winnem and Hans Inge Myrhaug
- Partial Differential Equations in Porous Media Research by Hans van Duijn
- Descartes System - Interactive Intelligent Cartography in Internet by Gennady Andrienko and Natalia Andrienko
- Travelling Waves in Nonlinear Diffusion-Convection-Reaction Processes by Róbert Kersner
- ESIMEAU - Water Resources Management and Modelling in Semi-Arid Areas by Fadi El Dabaghi
- ERCIM Working Group Environmental Modelling by Achim Sydow
- Task Parallelism in an HPF Framework by Raffaele Perego and Salvatore Orlando
- Development Tools for Distributed Services by Marc Born and Linda Strick
- The Use of Wavelets in Seismics and Geophysics by Nico Temme
- ATS - Adaptive Teaching System by Marcus Specht
- Abstract Test Suite by Katalin Tarnay and Abdalla Areik
- European TMR Project System Identification by Jan van Schuppen
- Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems '98 by David Duce
- EP98 - the Seventh Conference on Electronic Publishing by Jacques André
- FORTH - Jacques Santer, President of the European Commission, visited the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH)...
- GMD - Dennis Tsichritzis, Chairman of GMD's Executive Committee, was awarded the 'Premio Italia...
- CLRC - Albert Westwood has been appointed as the new Chairman and Chief Executive of the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils...
- SARIT - A new name for ERCIM's Swiss member institute...
Next issue: ERCIM News 35 (October 1998) - Special theme: Advanced Databases and Metadata
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