ERCIM News No.27 - October 1996
Automatic Program Derivation by Transformation
by Alberto Pettorossi and Maurizio Proietti
Over the last ten years or so the Department of Informatics of the University
of Rome - Tor Vergata and the IASI Institute of CNR, Rome, have been cooperating
on the development of techniques and tools for the automatic derivation
of logic and functional programs using trans-formation methodology. This
collaboration has also involved researchers from the Centre for Advanced
Programming Methodologies, funded by Finsiel S.p.a. and the Engineering
Faculty of the University of Rome - Tor Vergata. Various sets of transformation
rules and strategies have been proposed for the automatic derivation of
correct and efficient programs from their formal specifications. A prototype
program transformer is under development.
Our research on program development by transformation is based on the so
called rules + strategies approach, originally proposed in the early seventies
by Burstall and Darlington. This approach was first considered in the field
of logic programming by Tamaki and Sato in 1984.
In the rules + strategies approach the task of writing a correct and efficient
program is realized in two phases where the first consists in writing an
initial, maybe inefficient, program whose correctness can easily be shown,
and the second consists in transforming the initial program in order to
derive a new, more efficient version.
The separation of the issue of correctness from that of efficiency is one
of the major advantages of the transformation methodology. Indeed, this
methodology makes it possible to eliminate some of the difficulties encountered
when applying other program development techniques. In particular, the design
of intricate invariant assertions, such as those required when deriving
programs by stepwise refinements, can be avoided. Program transformation
has also the advantage of being adaptable to imperative and concurrent languages,
as well as to functional and logic ones.
The basic idea underlying the program transformation approach can be described
as follows: from an initial program P0, which can also be viewed as the
initial specification, we want to obtain a final program Pn with the same
semantic value, that is, we want that Sem[P0]=Sem[Pn] for some given
semantic function Sem. Program Pn is often derived in several steps
by constructing a sequence P0,...,Pn of programs such that for 0
< i < n , Sem[Pi]=Sem[Pi+1] , where Pi+1 is obtained
from Pi by applying a transformation rule.
During the program transformation process, an attempt is made to reduce
the complexity of the derived programs w.r.t. the initial ones. For this
scope, we introduce so-called transformation strategies, ie meta-rules which
prescribe suitable sequences of applications of the transformation rules.
At present our research is mainly focused on logic program transformation
and is being carried out along the following two lines.
1. There is a considerable theoretical activity concerning the formalization
and the study of the properties of transformation rules. The main objective
of this study is to prove that a given set of rules preserves certain semantics
of logic programs. We thus propose powerful proof methods, which are parametric
with respect to the semantics under consideration. We also use advanced
program analysis techniques, such as those based on abstract interpretation
and termination properties.
2. To improve the efficiency of the derived programs, the transformation
rules are combined into complex strategies in order to automatically improve
the performance of the initial programs. These transformation strategies
can be used to achieve the following objectives:
- removal of recursion in favour of iteration
- elimination of intermediate data structures
- avoidance of multiple visits of data structures
- avoidance of redundant or repeated computations
- reduction of nondeterminism
- specialization of programs to specific classes of input values.
We are currently studying the power of the proposed strategies. In particular,
we analyse their termination properties w.r.t. suitable classes of initial
programs and their completeness, which should be understood in the following
sense: given a set of transformation rules and a syntactic property ø
of the programs (eg tail-recursive or linear recursive programs), a strategy
S is complete iff for any initial program P , if we are able
to derive a program satisfying ¡ by using the given transformation
rules in a suitable way, then we are also able to derive a program satisfying
ø by using the strategy S. Recently, we have been able to show the
completeness of a strategy for eliminating all unnecessary variables in
logic programs, thus providing a general and powerful method for automatic
program improvement.
The transformation approach to program derivation can be very effective:
we are able to derive logarithmic-time programs from exponential-time programs
and also to drastically improve memory utilization, so as to avoid garbage
collection or the use of stacks in favour of arrays.
In our research activities we will continue to study the properties of the
rules and the strategies for the transformation of logic programs, and we
will also work on the development of a semi-automatic tool to support the
many transformation techniques proposed so far. This tool should support
activities related to program transformation, such as the definition of
transformation rules, strategies, and possibly, meta-strategies, ie combinations
of transformation strategies. It should also incorporate other tools for
analyzing program properties via static analysis, and for measuring program
During this research we have been in contact with various research centres,
and in particular, with CWI (Amsterdam, Netherlands), the Catholic University
of Leuven (Belgium), and the University of Pisa (Italy). From 1992 through
1995, our research project was financially supported by the Esprit Project
'Compulog II' of the European Community and the 'Progetto Finalizzato Sistemi
Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo' of CNR, Italy.
Please contact:
Alberto Pettorossi - Universitá di Roma Tor Vergata
E-mail: adp@iasi.rm.cnr.it
or Maurizio Proietti - IASI-CNR
Tel: +39 6 7716426
Email: proietti@iasi.rm.cnr.it
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