ERCIM News No.27 - October 1996
Constraint Technologies in Production Planning
by Janusz Launberg
TACIT (Trial Application using Constraint programming in Industrial
manufacTuring) is a joint technology transfer effort that will apply state-of
the-art constraint technologies in the production planning domain. The project
is now in the negotiation phase, expected start is last quarter of 1996.
The aim of the project is to develop three scheduling applications based
on models of real production processes and to evaluate the practical usefulness
of such tools in everyday planning of the industrial partners. The application
domains vary from steel manufacturing and production and assembly of building
elements to exploration of planning alternatives in CIM applications (IQSOFT
and its industrial partner). The project involves five partners: PrologIA
(coordinator) and Lafarge Plâtre in France, The Swedish Institute
of Computer Science (SICS) and Ovako Steel AB in Sweden, and IQSOFT Intelligent
Software, Ltd. in Budapest, Hungary. To IQSOFT there is a Hungarian industrial
company associated. The Swedish and French partners are 50% financed by
the the Esprit Emerging Software Technologies programme while the Hungarian
partners are expected to be partially funded by the INCO programme.
The Swedish trial application develops a production planning system for
Ovako Steel. The system involves production planing for steel billets and
bars. This flow of material constitute the raw material to the other production
lines at Ovako Steel. Solving this complex planning problem will result
in reduction in through-put times, work in progress (WIP) and inventory.
Please contact:
Janusz Launberg - SICS
Tel: +46 8 752 1504
E-mail: janusz@sics.se
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