ERCIM News No.27 - October 1996
The UK eLib Project
by Bob Hopgood
In 1993, the UK Higher Education Funding Councils commissioned a
review of academic libraries in the UK. This was chaired by Sir Brian Follett
and its final report has been labelled the Follett Report (http://ukoln.bath.ac.uk/follett/follett_report.html).
As a direct response to this Report, the Joint Information Systems Committee
(JISC) established the Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib) which has a
budget of 21 MECUs over 3 years.
There are about 60 projects looking at different aspects of digital libraries
ranging from digitisation and provision of images at one end through making
grey literature available to the commissioning of new electronic journals.
There is a strong emphasis on support for teaching and learning as well
as research. Also, the needs of the arts and humanities are well represented
as well as science and engineering.
Just to give a brief flavour of the types of projects, here are some examples:
- ADAM: a UK Information Gateway to Art, Architecture, Design and Media
Resources on the Web
- CogPrints: a Cognitive Sciences archive on the lines of the Los Alamos
Physics Eprint Archive
- ESPERE: establishing an electronic journal in the biomedical area
where the peer review process is also electronic
- Eurotext: an electronic resource bank of materials related to the
European Union
- CLIC: creating an Electronic Version of Chemical Communications using
standards developed for transmission of chemical information and presentation
using VRML and Java
- JEDDS: developing a MIME-compliant delivery system for interlibrary
loans and other applications.
- MIDRIB: creating a comprehensive collection of medical images in digital
- NETSKILLS: providing training in network skills for librarians.
- SOSIG: the Social Sciences Information Gateway.
This just gives a flavour of the types of projects supported. Web pages
for all the eLib projects are located at: http://ukoln.bath.ac.uk/elib/.
Another good source of information is ARIADNE, the Internet Magazine for
Librarians and Information Specialists (http://ukoln.bath.ac.uk/ariadne/)
Please contact:
Bob Hopgood - CLRC
Tel: +44 1235 446822
E-mail: frah@inf.rl.ac.uk
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