ERCIM News No.27 - October 1996
ERCIM Computer Graphics Network Workshop at ECAI'96
by Giorgio Faconti
Task 2 of the ERCIM Computer Graphics Network ­p; Graphics and
Knowledge Engineering ­p; held the workshop 'Towards a Standard Reference
Model for Intelligent Multimedia Presentation Systems' at the ECAI'96 conference
in Budapest on 13 August 1996. The network has been developing an architectural
frame-work to describe Intelligent Multi-Media Presentation Systems (IMMPS).
Such systems have been recognized world-wide as being important building
blocks for innovative computer systems across a broad range of application
areas. However, until now, there have been no promising attempts to bring
together the different lines of expertise from across disciplines and viewpoints
and assemble them into a sound corpus of scientific theory.
A number of researchers have become frustrated by the lack of a common language
in the literature to describe intelligent multimedia presentation systems,
and the lack of common architectures to promote the re-use of components.
To overcome these problems and inspired by methodological approaches used
in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics, Multimedia, User Interfaces,
and Software Engineering, the ERCIM CG Network has developed a proposal
for a reference model which should speed up the development of such systems
and their components.
The model was proposed at a workshop, organized by the ERCIM Computer Graphics
Network in Budapest during the ECAI'96 Conference. The workshop was attended
by researchers from both industry and academia, and from different geographic
areas: the European Union, Eastern Europe countries, Mexico and United States.
Considerable discussion was focused on the IMMPS model and this lead to
suggestions for modifications. Other papers discussed:
- refinements and details concerning specific aspects of the model
- applications/test-cases to verify the capability of the model to describe
a number of existing systems.
The general discussion focused on two main issues that highlighted the role
of the model and its added value in:
- comparing the functionality of different existing systems, clearly
identifying and explaining their differences
- giving guidance in the development of new modular systems, by defining
a standard (although general) architecture into which the various modules
can be embedded, and standard interfaces to communicate with them.
There was general agreement that the establishment of a reference model
for IMMP systems is the first stage towards developing these interdisciplinary
standards without which commercial development is unrealistic.
The workshop proceedings have been published by ECAI'96 and can also be
accessed on the WWW at:
Please contact:
Giorgio P. Faconti - CNUCE-CNR
Tel: +39 50 593 241
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