ERCIM News No.27 - October 1996
Erwin Engeler, President of SGFI, the Swiss Society
for the Advancement of Computer Science and its Applications
The federal structure of Switzerland and its cultural diversity - enriching
as both are in many important respects - have made it impossible to create
a national research institute for computer science. I am not altogether
unhappy about this, because I'm aware of the dangers of stagnation of personnel
and ideas within a state-run institution. The challenge has been to create
something in its stead. Fortunately, computer science can be pursued on
a distributed basis via electronic communication, and so our answer has
been to try and form a virtual laboratory. The Swiss Society for the Advancement
of Computer Science and its Applications ('Schweizerische Gesellschaft zur
Förderung der Informatik und ihrer Anwendungen' or SGFI) comprises
essentially all institutes or departments of Computer Science at Swiss Universities
and a few corporate organisations. We were fortunate in gaining the support
of the Swiss government for the society's creation and organisational financial
While the Swiss contribution to science in general and to computer science
in particular is well regarded internationally, some people fear that our
non-membership in the European Union risks putting Switzerland on the sidelines
when it comes to the generation of and participation in European Research
Projects. Our government is hard at work negotiating full European involvement;
but negotiations have proved difficult and, in the meantime, research does
not stand still.
My own enthusiasm for international research collaboration is somewhat tempered
by the realisation that the return on invested time and administrative effort
is often meagre: there is a limit to the number of meetings one can profitably
attend, the number of provisional papers that one is willing to apply oneself
to, the ratio of acceptance/rejections of proposals one is ready to accept
in the face of opaque criteria, etc.
Science policy, including that of ERCIM, should try to find the right balance
between subsidiarity and initiative. I am aware that research initiatives
are politically easier to establish if they can be dressed up as contributing
to politically pressing problems, such as the relation between high-tech
and unemployment, or the creation of (electronic) markets for small and
medium size companies. In these and other problem areas, computer and information
technologists are obviously challenged. Subsidiarity, if wisely managed,
provides the long-range basis on which truly innovative initiatives can
be founded.
I see ERCIM's role increasingly as that of a broker between the realities
of such challenges and the creative spirit of the scientifically trained.
I have great hopes in the development of manageable forms of 'intelligence':
intelligent control of flexible processes, eg in small to medium scale manufacturing,
intelligent access, filtering and handling of enormous data resources, intelligent
interfaces for fail-save uses of automated equipment by untrained personnel,
to name just a few. Brokering would mean providing means and encouragement
for both initiatives and basic explorations. In this sense, SGFI will continue
to valorize its membership in ERCIM and participate in the exchange of ideas
and personnel with other consortium members.
For further information on our organisation and activities readers of ERCIM
News are invited to look in at our web site:

Erwin Engeler
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