ERCIM News No.27 - October 1996
Electronic Information Services in Eastern Europe
by Maria-Anna Courage
'Elektronische Informationsdienste in Osteuropa' (Electronic Information
Services in Eastern Europe from 1994 to 1995) is the title of the three
volume study by Maria-Anna Courage and Alexander Butrimenko published by
The study is a comprehensive and complete reference and directory to databases
and related electronic information services in the fields of science, technology
and economy in Eastern Europe. The first volume contains information on
databases produced in the Russian Federation. The second volume contains
similar information on databases produced in the other East European countries
including the successor states of the former Soviet Union. The third volume
analyzes the economic and political situation and describes in detail the
present information scene and the emerging trends. The analysis covers all
types of information services and sources ­p; governmental and public
information centres and libraries. Particular attention is paid to the structural
changes to the information market.
The publication is a generalised and updated version of the information
and data collected within the joint project of GMD and the International
Centre for Scientific and Technical Information, Moscow, carried out from
1991 to 1993. The results of the previous study were published by Hoppenstedt
in two volumes under the title 'Der elektronische Fachinformationsmarkt
in Osteuropa 1993' (The 1993 Market for Specialized Electronic Information
in Eastern Europe). This project, too, was very ambitious and intended to
reflect the ongoing rapid changes to the East European information market.
The publication was to include only relevant databases to provide a realistic
idea of the actual situation. After the first edition tremendous political
and economic changes took place in this region. These changes as well as
the emergence of private information services and database producers required
an update and a new analysis.
On the basis of the contacts established with numerous national information
centres it was possible to continue the project activities on an international
basis. The period from 1993 to 1995 was of particular importance for the
development of the information world in Eastern Europe which was characterised
by fundamental changes. The information centres and libraries have to find
new functions and new roles in the developing democratic society and market
economy. They are confronted with new problems since they have to earn money
for their own budget by selling information services. The description and
analysis of this situation is the subject of the new publication.
The major cooperation partner of the project was the International Centre
for Scientific and Technical Information in Moscow. Because of the disintegration
of the Soviet Union it was important to establish close contacts with the
national information centres in the new independent states. 32 national
institutions from 21 country were involved in the project. The cooperation
was only possible since the participating institutions were convinced that
the activities were in their own interest and helped promote their services
in the West European market.
The information about the databases and the information structure was primarily
delivered by the information centres of the respective countries. A direct
cooperation with the information centres and libraries and in many cases
a support by the responsible ministries ensured the collection of reliable
data. Data from all countries of the region were collected within the project.
These data show that in many successor states of the former Soviet Union
the development of comprehensive electronic information services is considered
to be of paramount importance. Due to the political situation, information
from the former Republic of Yugoslavia could not be obtained. It is planned
to translate the study into English and to integrate the data into the 'Gale
Directory of Databases' regularly issued by Gale Research, USA.
The publication provides information so far not available in Western Europe.
It provides people from business, science and governments who are interested
in establishing contacts with East European countries with valuable data.
Please contact:
Maria-Anna Courage - GMD
Tel: +49 2241 14 2191
E-mail: courage@gmd.de
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