ERCIM News No.25 - April 1996 - CRCIM
Web Activities within the Czech Research Consortium for Informatics
and Mathematics
by Jana Kohoutkova
As the newest member of ERCIM, and not even yet officially signed up,
CRCIM (Czech Research Consortium in Informatics and Mathematics) is still
drawing together the activities of the four constituent institutions. However,
one of them, Masaryk University at Brno, has been using WWW technology for
some time to inform users of its facilities ranging from curriculae and
entry procedures for students to the university through to a description
of the supercomputing centre.
One particular activity of interest is that the Newsletter of the Computer
Science Institute "Zpravodaj" is published not only in paper form
(where LaTeX has been used for years to produce a high-quality product)
but also on WWW, thus enriching the hitherto provided information with additional
navigational and searching mechanisms. This project was designed to utilise
emerging skills in the hyperlinked multimedia team also demonstrated in
other internal and external projects including the EC Copernicus funded
project CP94-0943 Hypermedata for the hyperlinked multimedia representation
and data exchange of heterogeneous clinical patient records.
"Zpravodaj" can be found at: http://www.ics.muni.cz/zpravodaj/zpravodaj.html
Please contact:
Jana Kohoutkova - CRCIM
Tel: +42 5 4151 2255
E-mail: kohoutkova@ics.muni.cz
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