ERCIM News No.25 - April 1996 - CNR
Ontological Foundations of Knowledge Engineering
by Nicola Guarino
The word 'ontology' has recently become popular within the Artificial Intelligence
community due to the growing strategic importance of knowledge integration,
sharing and reuse. From this perspective, a knowledge base can in principle
acquire a high added value only provided that the knowledge it contains
is sufficiently independent of a specific task. This is why a rigorous ontological
analysis may be important for concrete application areas like Concurrent
Engineering and Enterprise Integration.
Characterised by a strong inter-disciplinary attitude, the group working
on the Ontological Foundations of Knowledge Engineering at LADSEB-CNR aims
to explore the synergies between Formal Ontology, Natural Language Semantics
and Knowledge Representation in order to establish rigorous methodological
foundations for Knowledge Engineering. Since the organization of the First
International Workshop on Formal Ontology in Conceptual Analysis and Knowledge
Representation in 1993, the group has played a leading role in promoting
the importance of ontological issues within the Artificial Intelligence
The Group currently leads the CNR Special Project on 'Ontological and Linguistic
Tools for Conceptual Modelling', whose goals include the unification of
the existing approaches to domain analysis in the design of data bases,
knowledge bases, and object-oriented systems. The Group is also among the
proposers of an ESPRIT-funded Network of Excellence on Concurrent Engineering.
The current research projects are the following:
- Ontological Tools for Conceptual Design of Reusable Data and Knowledge
- Logical Modelling of Mechanical Assemblies for Product Data Integration
and Reuse.
The problem of conceptual modelling is a crucial one for anyone who needs
to use a particular representation formalism to describe an aspect of reality.
The main questions include: What are the relevant primitives? How can their
intended meaning be characterised? When is a given conceptual scheme better
than another? Very often, the choices and the ontological assumptions underlying
a particular conceptual scheme turn out to be opaque, wrong or simply incomprehensible
when people change or the task at hand varies slightly, so that it becomes
necessary to build a new system from scratch. The aim of the project on
Ontological Tools for Conceptual Design is to make explicit such ontological
assumptions by means of suitable logical theories, and to offer some methodological
guidelines for the design of ontologically well-founded (and therefore reusable)
knowledge bases. For this purpose, we have already done some work on the
notions of Ontology and Ontological Commitment, on the various ontological
distinctions among unary and binary predicates, and on the characterization
of part-whole relations.
The formal representation of aspects related to space, matter, structure
and function still constitutes a bottleneck for all problems related to
the representation of physical entities like mechanical artifacts. The goal
of the project on Logical Modelling of Mechanical Assemblies is to develop
a unified logical theory accounting both for the qualitative features of
simple mechanical parts (topology, dimension, form, orientation, mechanical
properties of faces, edges, slots, holes...) and the possible relations
among them (relative position, contact, mechanical connection, support),
at different levels of granularity. Such a unified theory may play a crucial
role in the integration of product data for applications in concurrent engineering
and enterprise integration, since current standardisation tools like ISO-10303
(STEP) are mostly based on geometrical modelling, and a rigorous cha-racterization
of qualitative features is still lacking. The relationships between mereology,
topology, geometry and teleology are among the major technical issues of
this project. A preliminary study has been made on the characterization
of part-whole relations and on the ontological relationships between space
and matter.
More information on the WWW at: http://www.ladseb.pd.cnr.it/infor/Ontology/ontology.html
Please contact:
Nicola Guarino - LADSEB-CNR
Tel. +39 49 8295751
E-mail: guarino@ladseb.pd.cnr.it
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