by Keith Jeffery
A very successful workshop (EDRG Workshop 7) on Object-Oriented Data-base Systems at INESC, Lisbon May 15-16 was attended by 30 people and the quality of the presentations on ongoing work was of the highest quality.
The proceedings will be published in the ERCIM Report series, like some of the previous workshops. There were interesting discussions and several possibilities of joint proposals or projects. The next meeting is jointly with the IFIP WG8.1 conference on Infomation Systems Development for Decentralised Organisations, Trondheim Norway 21-23 August 1995. For further details contact Arne Solvberg. (E-mail: and follows the IFIP Conference. It is on the same theme and runs from noon on August 23 to August 25. For further details contact Arne-Jorgen Berre (E-mail:">Arne-Jorgen.Berre
The succeeding workshop is planned for early 1996 at GMD, on multimedia database systems.
EDRG are putting together a WWW page with mission, programme of workshops and contact information. However, for the moment, it should be noted that each Institute has a representative who acts as the focal pont for EDRG business. The contacts are:
Contacts are sought from:
The leader of EDRG is Keith G Jeffery ( The deputy leader is Patrizia Asirelli from CNR (see above for email id).