CYCLADES will run on the data environment composed by the archives that adhere to the Open Archives Initiatives harvesting protocol specifications ( From the technical point of view, CYCLADES will consist of the following federation of independent but interoperable services characterised by the following key features: Access: harvest-based information gathering, plus indexing and storage of gathered information in a local database. Collection: mechanisms for dynamically structuring the overall information space into meaningful (from some community's perspective) collections. Search and Browse: to support the users in formulating queries and develops plans for their evaluation. In particular, to provide an advanced multilevel browse facility, completely integrated with the search facility, that allows one to browse at schema, attributes, and document levels. Filtering: to support information filtering on the basis of individual user profiles, and profiles of the working communities the user belongs to. User and community profiles are automatically inferred by monitoring the user behavior. Recommendation: to provide recommendations about new published articles within a working community. The choice about what recommendations to send and to whom is based on both the user and the working community profiles. Collaborative Work: to support collaboration between members of communities and project groups by providing functionality for creating shared working spaces referencing users' own documents, collections, recommendations, related links, textual annotations, ratings, etc. |