Semantic web strategic workshop: presentations
Wednesday, October 3rd
- Opening notes
- The semantic web from W3C perspective
- Eric Miller
- RDF, RDF-Schema and the possible evolutions
- Brian McBride
- Currents developments of DAML+OIL
- Frank van Harmelen
- Inference systems
- Ian Horrocks
- Topic maps
- Michel Biezunski
Resources and infrastructure
- Ontological resources and top-level ontologies
- Nicola Guarino
- Perspective in document annotations and metadata
- Eric Miller
- Gathering and assembling knowledge structure
- Stefan Decker
- Database technology for the SW
- Vassilis Christophides
- Towards a safer and semantic web
- Jérôme Euzenat
Thursday, October 4th
Clients and human interface
- Adaptive SW
- Henri Lieberman
- Human-Centred aspects of the
- Simon Buckingham-Shum
- Secure semantic web
- Bhavani Thuraisingham
The semantic web in application areas
- Ontology-based retrieval of resources
- Deborah McGuinness
- SW for e-science and education
- Enrico Motta
- Bioinformatics and science databases
- Carole Goble
- Semantic web for generalized knowledge management
- Rudi Studer
- Semantic eCommerce
- Dieter Fensel
Friday, October 5th
Synthesis of the discussions/working groups
LanguagesDeborah McGuinness, Frank van Harmelen, Ian
Horrocks, Michel Biezunski, Vassilis Christophides
InfrastructureJérôme Euzenat, Bhavani
Thuraisingham, Brian McBride, Stefan Decker
Human-related issueSimon Buckingham-Shum, Henri
Lieberman, Enrico Motta, Carole Goble
OntologiesNicola Guarino, Rudi Studer,