Bionics - Bio-inspired information technologies, June 19-21, 2001


list of participants


Reimbursement proceeding

Rue Gineste 3, 1210 Brussels, Belgium

Agenda [download in pdf] [download in MS Word]

Day 1: June 19, 2001


Opening session

  • Welcome by Tamas Roska (SZTAKI), Chairman
  • Simon Bensasson (FET head of Unit)
  • Rick Adrion (EIA division, NSF)
  • Remi Ronchaud (ERCIM, EU/NSF co-ordinator)
9h45-12h15 Session A - Sensing, interfaces, and sensors
Chair: R. Norman, Reporter: S.Picaud
Presenters: Bessant, Engel, Grattarola, Picaud, Van Hulle
  • Bioelectronic, biomechanical and biochemical sensing, as well as brain imaging
  • Electronic, mechanical, thermal, chemical and other interfaces to living tissues
  • Content and context dependent sensing and sensors, plasticity
12h15-12h45 Session Conclusion Discussion
14h00-17h00 Session B -Human-machine interaction with autonomous sensors - prostheses
Chair: R. Eckmiller, Reporter: R. Tetzlaff
Presenters: Kipke, Lehnertz, Rousche, Tetzlaff, Dorffner
  • Vision, hearing, tactile and other prostheses
  • Implanted alarm devices and acting mechanisms
  • Human interactive command without keyboard
  • Human aspects
17h00-17h30 Session conclusion discussion
17h30-18h00 Day 1 Conclusion discussion
Day 2: June 20, 2001
9h00-12h00 Session C - Bio Systems
Chair: J. Hámori, Reporter: Moschovakis
Presenters: Moschovakis, Fortuna, Gál, Dittmar, Roska
  • Motor Control
  • Sensor-motor integration
  • Integrated sensing-processing-acting and learning devices and technologies
  • Ethical issues
12h00-12h30 Session conclusion discussion
14h00-17h00 Session D - Bionic devices
Chair: F. Werblin, Reporter: J. Xu
Presenters: Francescini, Indiveri, Rodríguez-Vázquez, Toumazou, Xu, Scribner
  • Representation of real-world stimuli in biological systems
  • Complex systems – Bio-inspired/ neuromorphic, spatial-temporal computing models with possible programmability
  • VLSI implementations and Bionic Eye, Ear, Nose, Skin and other bionic devices
17h00-17h30 Session conclusion discussion
17h30-18h00 Day 2 Conclusion, discussion
19h30 Social Dinnerm courtesy of ERCIM,
at “Le Foyer”, 29, rue de la science –1040 Brussels
Tel: 296 35 56
Day 3 : June 21, 2001
9h00-12h00 Session E - Assessment of Near Future Directions
Chair: T. Roska and F Werblin
The main conclusions of Sessions A-D will be assessed and discussed to provide the final results of the workshop (final report), which are meant to serve as a basis for future programs and collaboration between the EU and the NSF. These results will also be circulated in the scientific community for discussion and comments.

Round Table (T. Roska, Chairman)

  • Simon Bensasson (European Commission)
  • Rick Adrion (National Science foundation)
  • Jean-Eric Pin (ERCIM)
  • Pekka Karp (European Commission)
13h00 End of the Workshop