ANFAS: Data Fusion for Flood Analysis and Decision Support
Sector: Simulation and data visualisation
The overall objective of the ANFAS project is to develop a Support Decision System for flood prevention and protection, integrating the most advanced techniques in data processing and management. When a flood is going to happen, decision makers have to decide what are the most appropriate reactions : evacuation of the population, reinforcement of dikes, etc. The aim of the ANFAS project is to develop a tool to help decision makers in taking the decision that will limit the flood damage.
Description of work:
The ANFAS project will:
- use data from the most advanced acquisition technology ; in particular remote sensing imagery -optical, radar, interferometry radar- will be incorporated into a conventional Geographical Information System database;
- develop advanced data processing tools for Scene modelling and Flood simulation ; Computer Vision and Scientific Computing will be used together in order to take into account information extracted from real images for the calculation of parameters for the simulation model;
- have strong end-users involvement through the definition of the objectives, the conception of the System, the evaluation of the simulation results ; it ensures that the System answers to "terrain needs" and to be well adapted in practical use;
- involve industrial partners for the realisation of the final System ; it is of major importance for the design of the System ; one of the main characteristics of the System will be to be modular, ie to be composed of blocks easily interchangeable.
The functionality of ANFAS System will be:
- to perform flood simulation
- given a scenario, water flow propagation is simulated ; the user can interact with the scene that models the real site in order to add/remove dikes or other human constructions;
- to assess flood damage flood assessment can be done either using the simulation results or using the remote sensed images of a real flood event;
- at a prospective level, to analyse geological property changes due to repetitive floods for a given site.
The output of the System will be:
- visualisation : it consists of the bi-dimensional maps of the extent of the flood; if simulation is performed, time sequence maps retracing the propagation of the simulated flood will be provided
- direct impact assessment
- evaluation of he total affected area ; regional and statistical analyses over the affected area ; simple socio-economic assessment directly caused by flood.
Expected results:
At the end of the project, will be delivered:
- three subsystems, namely : Geographic information system database; tools for Scene modelling from images ; Flood model and simulation;
- the final Integrated Information System, which consists of the integration of the three subsystems
- Semestrial reports and documentation related to the works achievement.
Poulicos Prastacos, scientific coordinator (