ERCIM News No. 63, October 2005 - Contents
by Michael Waidner,
Head of the IBM Privacy Research Institute, IBM Research Division, Zurich Research Lab |
STM 2005 - First ERCIM Workshop on Security and Trust Management
by Sjouke Mauw |
Changes in Irish ERCIM Membership |
2005 Cor Baayen Award Winner |
'Web Foundations 2005' Highlights Web Design for All |
Office in India |
W3C Workshop on Internationalizing the Speech Synthesis Markup Language |
Upgrades of W3C Quality Tools W3C Markup Validator |
W3C's Specification Guidelines to Create Better Specification |
Mobile Industry Promotes W3C's Mobile Web Initiative |
Web Accessibility Business Case Documents Published |
Latest W3C Recommendations |
SPECIAL THEME: Security and Trust Management |
Introduction: |
Security and Trust Management
by Fabio Martinelli and Jean-Jacques Quisquater
Invited article
Building Trust and Security in Information Society: A Strategic Challenge for European R&D
by Jacques Bus, Head of Unit, European Commission, DG Information Society and Media "ICT for Trust and Security" |
Invited article
Invited article
Document Security
by Paul E. Sevinç, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland
iWATCH: Intelligent Watch Based on Networked Smart Sensors and Autonomous Mobile Vehicles
by Haris Baltzakis, Angelos Bilas and Panos Trahanias, ICS-FORTH, Greece |
Securing JAFAR An Architectural Framework for E-Commerce Applications
by Nicolas Guelfi, Cédric Pruski, Jan Reimen and Paul Sterges, University of Luxembourg |
Distributed Reputation Systems for Internet-based Peer-to-Peer Systems and Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
by Jochen Mundinger, University of Cambridge, UK; Sonja Buchegger, UC Berkeley, USA; and Jean-Yves Le Boudec, EPFL, Switzerland
Secure Wireless Ad-Hoc Networking
by Ioannis G. Askoxylakis, Diomedes D. Kastanis and Apostolos P. Traganitis, ICS-FORTH, Greece |
Decentralized Identity for the Digital Business Ecosystem
by Jean-Marc Seigneur, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland |
Towards Privacy-Aware Identity Management
by Ernesto Damiani, Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati and Pierangela Samarati, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
CareGrid: Autonomous Trust Domains for Healthcare Applications
by Naranker Dulay, Emil Lupu, Morris Sloman, Jean Bacon, David Ingram and Ken Moody |
Secure UPnP and Networked Health Care
by Kari Keinänen and Mika Pennanen, VTT Information Technology |
An Akogrimo Approach to Securing Virtual Organizations within Mobile GRID Computing Environments
by Thomas Kirkham, Julian Gallop, Damian Mac Randal, Brian Ritchie, CCLRC, UK, Pierluigi Ritrovato, and Giuseppe Cirillo, CRMPA, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy
MOBIUS - Securing the Next Generation of Java-Based Global Computers
by Gilles Barthe, INRIA |
Trust in Virtual Communities
by Marcin Czenko, Jeroen Doumen and Sandro Etalle, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Secure and Trusted Virtual Organization Management
by Adomas Svirskas, Alvaro Arenas, Michael Wilson and Brian Matthews, CCLRC, UK |
Trusted Network on Wheels
by Matthias Gerlach, Institute for Open Communication Systems - FOKUS, Fraunhofer ICT Group, Germany |
A Graphical Delegation Solution for X.509 Attribute Certificates
by Isaac Agudo, Javier Lopez, Jose A. Montenegro, University of Malaga, Spain
Security and Trust Management Extensions to the PERMIS X.509 Privilege Management Infrastructure
by David Chadwick, University of Kent, UK |
Interactive Access Control and Trust Negotiation for Autonomic Communication
by Hristo Koshutanski and Fabio Massacci, University of Trento, Italy |
Access-Control Policy Administration in XACML
by Erik Rissanen and Babak Sadighi Firozabadi, SICS, Sweden |
Contributions of Team Automata in Security
by Maurice ter Beek, Gabriele Lenzini, and Marinella Petrocchi, CNR, Italy |
Using Probabilistic I/O Automata to Improve the Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols
by Ran Canetti, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center; USA, Ling Cheung, University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands; Dilsun Kaynar, Nancy Lynch, MIT, USA; Moses Liskov, College of William and Mary, USA; Olivier Pereira, Université catholique de Louvain (FNRS) Belgium; and Roberto Segala, Università di Verona, Italy |
Cryptographic Security by Swamping Adversaries with Quantum Information
by Ronald Cramer and Serge Fehr, CWI, The Netherlands |
Building a Stochastic Model for Security and Trust Assessment Evaluation
by Karin Sallhammar, Svein Johan Knapskog and Bjarne Emil Helvik, NTNU, Norway |
Flexible, TCP/IP-Based and Platform-Independent Management of Biometric Data for Access Control Systems
by Burkhard Stiller,University of Zurich, Switzerland |
BTs Security Research
by Theo Dimitrakos, BT, UK |
Bringing the Common Critera to Business Enterprise
by Christophe Ponsard, Philippe Massonet and Jean-François Molderez, CETIC, Belgium |
Born of INRIA - Twenty Years Creating Spin-Off Companies
by Laurent Kott, INRIA |
The GridML Project: Next-Generation Data Mining on High-Performance, Parallel Distributed Systems
by Csaba Szepesvári, SZTAKI
Crossing the Rubicon: from Haskell to .NET through COM
by Beatriz Alarcón and Salvador Lucas, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia / |
A Tookit for Analysis, Testing and Restructuring of Web Applications
by Filippo Ricca and Paolo Tonella, ITC-irst, Trento, Italy
Telephony over IP: Experience and Challenges
by Laurent Burgy, Charles Consel, Fabien Latry, Nicolas Palix and Laurent Réveillère, INRIA |
Adaptive Scene and Traffic Control in Networked Multimedia Systems
by Leif Arne Rønningen, NTNU |
INEX: Evaluating XML Retrieval Effectiveness
by Mounia Lalmas, Queen Mary University of London, UK |
Providing Access to Biodiversity Data in the National Biodiversity Network
by Charles Hussey and Steve Wilkinson, Natural History Museum, London, UK
Cross-Language Evaluation Forum - CLEF 2005
by Carol Peters
For conference announcements, see:
Calendar of Events and Conferences related to IT and Applied Mathematics |
Proposed Retention of Electronic Communications Data in Europe |
SICS - Staffan Truvé is the new Managing Director of SICS..[more] |
INRIA - Call for proposals for 2006-2007 Cooperative Research Initiatives [more] |
FhG - The Drug Discovery application, where scientists carry out in silico docking, was initiated and implemented by Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing.. [more] |
SpaRCIM - Spanish Awards in Informatics [more] |