ERCIM News No. 62, July 2005 - Contents
by Viviane Reding,
Member of the European Commission responsible for Information Society and Media |
Jérôme Chailloux nominated ERCIM Manager |
Image and Video Understanding wins the ERCIM Working Group Award |
Grid@Asia - Advanced Grid Research Workshops through European
and Asian Co-operation |
Strategic Workshops organized by ERCIM
by Jessica Michel |
W3C Celebrated Ten Years Leading the Web in Europe |
Launch of the W3C Mobile Web Initiative |
New Fee Structure for W3C Membership |
W3C Internationalization Activity looks towards Africa |
Latest W3C Recommendations |
SPECIAL THEME: Multimedia Informatics |
Introduction: |
Multimedia Informatics,
by Joachim Köhler |
Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval |
Invited article
Managing Digital Photo Collections
by Lynn Wilcox |
Multimedia Indexing: The Multimedia Challenge
by Patrick Gros, Manolis Delakis and Guillaume Gravier |
MediAssist: Managing Personal Digital Photo Archives
by Noel Murphy, Cathal Gurrin and Gareth J. F. Jones |
The MUSCLE Benchmarking Initiative
by Allan Hanbury and Michael Nölle |
New Testbed of One Million Images
by Gregory Grefenstette, Pierre-Alain Moëllic, Patrick Hède, Christophe Millet and Christian Fluhr |
Managing the Growth of Multimedia Digital Content
by David Bainbridge, Paul Browne, Paul Cairns, Stefan Rüger and Li-Qun Xu |
Maps of Music
by Andreas Rauber, Thomas Lidy and Robert Neumayer |
Structuring Multimedia Archives with Static Documents
by Denis Lalanne and Rolf Ingold |
MultimediaN: Personalized Information Delivery
by Marcel Worring and Nellie Schipper |
SPIEGLE: A Multimedia Search Engine Generator
by Arjen de Vries |
Towards a Smart Content Factory
by Georg Güntner |
Fischlár-News: Multimedia Access to Broadcast TV News
by Alan F. Smeaton, Noel E. OConnor and Hyowon Lee |
Interactive Multimedia-Enabled Learning and Training
by Claire Kenny, Declan McMullen, Mark Melia and Claus Pahl |
Multimedia Networking |
Representation and Communication of Multimedia Data and Metadata
by Sara Colantonio, Maria Grazia Di Bono, Massimo Martinelli, Gabriele Pieri and Ovidio Salvetti |
A Cognitive Architecture for Semantically Based Medical Image Retrieval
by John Moustakas, Socrates Dimitriadis and Kostas Marias |
Personalized and Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval
by Joemon M. Jose and Jana Urban |
ADMITS: Adaptation in Distributed Multimedia IT Systems
by Laszlo Böszörmenyi |
Solutions for an Interpreter-Enabled Multimedia Conferencing System
by Ferenc Sárközy and Géza Haidegger
Host Recommendation in the Adaptive Distributed Multimedia Server
by Ottó Hutter, Tibor Szkaliczki and Balázs Goldschmidt
Scalable Audio Streaming to Mobile Devices
by Jonathan Sherwin and Cormac J. Sreenan
A Networked Approach to TV Content Distribution
by Adrian Cahill, John Roche and Cormac J. Sreenan |
Presentation, Control and Collaboration in the Networked Classroom
by Leandro Navarro-Moldes and Manuel Oneto |
Video Transcoding Architectures for Multimedia Real Time Services
by Maurizio A. Bonuccelli, Francesca Lonetti and Francesca Martelli |
Interactive Multimedia Applications |
Designing Multi-Modal Multi-Device Interfaces
by Silvia Berti and Fabio Paternò |
LimSee2: A Cross-Platform SMIL Authoring Tool
by Romain Deltour, Nabil Layaïda, and Daniel Weck
Merging Virtual Reality and Television through Interactive Virtual Actors Marilyn Multimodal Avatar Responsive Live Newscaster
by Sepideh Chakaveh |
Interactive Multimedia for Supporting the Quality of the Production
by George L. Kovács, Géza Haidegger and János Nacsa |
The CINEMA Project: A Video-Based Human-Computer Interaction System for Audio-Visual Immersion
by Renaud Dardenne, Jean-Jacques Embrechts, Marc Van Droogenbroeck and Nicolas Werner |
Personalised Enriched Broadcast Experience
by Mounia Lalmas, Nick Bryan-Kinns and Alan Pearmain
LIGHT: XML-Innovative Generation for Home Networking Technologies
by Luca Tarrini and Vittorio Miori |
Modelling of Authentic Reflectance Behaviour in Virtual Environments
by Michal Haindl and Jirí Filip |
Haptic Training Systems in Virtual Surgery
by José San Martín, David Miraut, Carolina Gómez and Sofía Bayona |
Computer Recognizes Whale Tails
by Annette Kik, Eric Pauwels and Elena Ranguelova
Text Document Classification
by Jana Novovicová
Advancing Black-Box Reuse in a Multimedia Application Framework
by Bernhard Wagner |
CASSEM: Vibration Control in the Smart Way
by Salim Belouettar
Point6: The IPv6 Skill Centre - Moving to the Next-Generation Internet Protocol
by César Viho and Annie Floch |
Working Slower with More Powerful Computers
by Lorenz M. Hilty, Andreas Köhler, Fabian van Schéele and Rainer Zah
Coordinating IST Research Across Europe
by Simon Lambert |
Software Automation meets Interactive Media Development
by Dirk Deridder, Thomas Cleenewerck, Johan Brichau and Theo D'Hondt
Reports: |
Workshop on Challenges in Software Evolution
by Tom Mens
WWV 2005 - First Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Sites
by María Alpuente, Santiago Escobar and Moreno Falaschi |
For conference announcements, see:
Calendar of Events and Conferences related to IT and Applied Mathematics |
INRIA - It is with a profound sadness that INRIA officially announces the demise of Isabelle Attali
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VTT - Seppo Linnainmaa succeeding Pekka Silvennoinen on ERCIM's board of directors
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CWI - Alexander Schrijver is awarded the Spinoza Prize 2005.
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CWI - Scientists of CWI and the Universities of Twente and Konstanz launched MonetDB/XQuery
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