ERCIM News No.31 - October 1997



- Virtual Environments by Martin Göbel
- BRIGHT An Efficient Lighting Simulation
System for Complex Scenes by George Drettakis and François Sillion
- Shape Perception of 3D Virtual Objects by
Tactile Feedback Systems by Massimo Bergamasco
- Mobile Multimodal Virtual Reality for Personal
Teleservices by Petri Pulli
- CyberStage An Advanced Virtual Environment
by Henrik Tramberend, Frank Hasenbrink, Gerhard Eckel, Ulrich Lechner and
Martin Göbel
- Fabule - A Multi-Purpose Animation System for
Simulation and Virtual Reality by Mathieu Desbrun, Jean-Dominique Gascuel,
Marie-Paule Cani-Gascuel and Nicolas Tsingos
- VIRTUOUS by Pavel Andris, José P.
Costeira, Karol Dobrovodsky, Michal Haindl, Josef Kittler, Peter Kurdel,
José Santos-Victor and Andrew J. Stoddart
- RECCAD - Reconstruction and Analysis of Complex
Objects for Building CAD Models Based on Measured Data by Václav
- CAD Model-Based Planning and Vision guide Accurate
Geometric Measurement by Heikki Ailisto
- Intelligent Real-Time Closed Circuit TV-based Surveillance,
Automated Verification and Access Control by Shaogang Gong
- Compositing Computer and Video Image Sequences
by Marie-Odile Berger and Jean-Claude Paul
- Multi-user Virtual Reality on the Internet
by Wolfgang Broll
- TELEPORT - A 3D Telepresence System
by Christian Breiteneder
- COllaborative Virtual ENvironments by Lennart
- Distributed Interactive Virtual Environment
by Lennart Fahlén
- I3: Intelligent Information Interfaces Initiative
by Lennart Fahlén
- FASE Facial Analysis and Synthesis of
Expressions by Paul ten Hagen
- Virtual Re-opening of the Leaning Tower by
Claudio Bruno, Mario Fusani and Ovidio Salvetti
- Virtual Reality for Visualisation of Interior
Decoration and Furnishing by Matti Kuusisto and Raimo Launonen
- The Responsive Workbench for Visualization of
Fluid Dynamics by Gerold Wesche, Jürgen Wind and Martin Göbel
- High Performance Visualization by Robert
van Liere
- Studying the Heart Left Ventricular Motion
with 4D Transformations by Jérôme Declerck, Jacques Feldmar
and Nicholas Ayache
- Computerized Anatomical Segmentation of the Liver
from Helical CT Scanners by Luc Soler, Gregoire Malandain, Hervé
Delingette and Johan Montagnat
- MAESTRO by Roberto Gagliardi and Olivia
- Virtual Reality at CLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
by David Boyd
- Computer Vision and Virtual Reality in the UK
by Bob Fisher
- The ALCATECH Project by Jens Arnspang
- Image Analysis by Scale-Space Operators
by Peter Johansen and Mads Nielsen
- Computer Vision Projects in Image and Pattern
Analysis Group of SZTAKI by Dmitry Chetverikov
- Image Analysis of Deformable Structures - A Meteorological
Example by Hussein Yahia and Jean-Paul Berroir

- PERFORMANCE98, Madinson, Wisconsin, USA, 22-26 June 1998
- AQuIS'98 - Fourth International
Conference on 'Achieving Quality in Software: Software Quality in the Communication
Society, Venice, Italy, 30 March - 2 April 1998
- Fifth Delos
Workshop on Collaborative Filtering, Budapest Hungary, 10-12 November
- CAiSE '98 - 10th
Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Pisa, Italy,
8-12 June 1998

Next Issue: The Engineering of Software
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